The Schroeder has arrived

My Schroeder Reference arrived over the holiday weekend. It has been a long wait but looks to be well worth it. The fit and finish on this tonearm is a work of art. The adjustments are actually very simple compared to many arms. Most adjustments are just a slight turn of a set screw. The arm sounds incredible. I have heard others say effortless. That seems pretty good to me as words really cannot describe how good this sounds in my system. I am still in the process of fine tuning and the wire is still breaking in so I guess it will probably sound even better. I am using a Shelter 901 on it and that seems to match up well. BTW, if anyone is looking to buy a Schroeder I would strongly suggest working with Thom at Galibier Design. He kept in contact with me throughout the lengthy waiting period and was excellent with the delivery and setup. I would though be interested to hear from any others that may have this tonearm and their thoughts on some of the cartridges that are a good match.

Showing 10 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

I really wanted to finish the last 90 pages of "The Da Vinci Code",that was given to me as a birthday gift.Now,with all this delicious new stuff to read through,I'll have to hold off on "Langdon's search for the HOLY GRAIL".Thanks!!
Thom,you are absolutely right about getting to the ball quicker,and the shoulder turn,for a hard topspin shot.Watch Federer for the textbook look.As for me,I always considered myself an "A" player(40 yrs of hard competition),but my rackets are 12 years old.There was a time when tennis dollars came first,now it's audio,in the driver's seat.Though I am hitting a damn good ball.Just that there are 2 "biggies"at my local courts(a couple of yrs older than me,too)who can hit the crap out of the ball.On the dead run,no less.I'm close to these guys,but no cigar,and I'd love to wipe the smile off their faces,and will,in time.Just have to follow the methodological approach,that I did with my system,over the years.Take one weakness at a time.It's not as crazy as it may sound.That was my summer goal,until this thread.Now I'm thinking audio,in June.Hmm,I guess I'm going to hear that familiar "Dzzzzt,Dzzzzt"sound passing my head(what transients do you think they might be?)when I hit a crappy approach!!

Enough kidding about tennis.Frank,you have a very valid point about bass,as you clearly know.I see a trend in this hobby(look at the amount of ported speakers,and very few sealed enclosures)towards lots,and lots of really crappy(too strong a word)bass.Let's just say that many designers are happy to give the public what most people like.Lots,and lots of bass.Not accurate bass,mind you,but no true pitch definition,in the lower,or even mid frequencies.This blows my mind!!

I have heard SO MANY pricey set-ups where the average person thinks the bass is great,only to look at the expression on my audio friends's faces(very experienced hobbyists,who preach bass accuracy over quantity),to realize these people would not know a tympany drum from an amplified drumbeat,on a synthesizer.

When we are stopped at a red light,and the car next to us has his boom box turned up,do you think that guy is concerned with accuracy in bass,or overblown dreck?We all know the answer to that one.It's sad,but a fact,and many mfgrs are all to happy to design products,while maybe not as exagerated as my example,but not accurate either.

Myself,I need accuracy,as Frank describes.Makes more sense to me,and sounds better too.To the average dude,who knows what they like.I like my tympanies to "sound" no larger than a 38 inch skin,and I could care less about anything under 35 hz,although it's nice to have it,but most LP's don't have alot below that.Oh yeah,I happen to have a good sub,and would bet a Shroder Ref could do the low thing,just to my liking,wood or whatever!!
Thom,I'm kind of sorry for my generic tennis/bass rant.It was nice of you to reply,though not necessary.I do realize that this thread/forum really should be about more specific topics,RE: your product line,as well as the Shroder(which I'm fascinated with).

Best of luck to all involved!!
I have a new,latest for me,spin on our beloved little analog subject.I'm currently in wait,for a matched set(3 for my phono stage)of the LOWEST NOISE Siemens(grey getters)small signal tubes,that I have EVER seen.These appear to have been sourced from GOD's private stash.

I already have some "primo" phono tubes in circuit,however I am feeling pretty good about trying out these new babies.I've already tried 7 different types in my phono section,and will be ending my plight this weekend,hopefully.

PLEASE,don't anyone ask what I payed for these,I'm embarassed to say!!
George,My business is in Middlesex county.Went to a Harry Partch concert at Montclair Univ,and it was a blast.

BTW,and do not take this personally,as you appear to be a good fellow.I'm a bit paranoid about revealing too much on the web.I know of some who have had their homes broken into.Pretty sad state,though my home is monitored by the police,and has a ton of various home security systems.Hey,I'm originally from New York,where almost everyone is paranoid.
Flyingred,do you feel then,that the Bacote tube best matches the Tranny?Also,how about the additional 3 gms offered up by the Jacaranda and Tiger Wood?Possibly ,still,a good match for the Tranny,with an eye/ear on the possibility of future,slightly heavier cartridges?What do you think?Thanks!!
George,trust me on this.The cap tightness"thing",on the Graham, is fantasy.The cap is,actually part of the bearing assembly,and must be tightly mounted.Why anyone would not want it that way would be a mystery,to me!!Thanks,and you have a good memory too.
George,sorry,I don't want to come off as a snob.Your question was a compliment.For that,thanks.You may know some of my BKLYN pals,though.Do you know Sid Marks,or Dave Nemzer?
Dear Frank,and Galibier systems,

Thanks for possibly ruining my summer,here in New Jersey.I was totally happy rationalizing not having to spend any more money on this hobby,for at least another year or two,and very interested in obtaining two,new,and pricey tennis rackets.These new rackets would help me to drive my "topspin" backhand past my most competitive "court" enemies,all summer long.As of now,I'm not putting enough "juice" on my backhand passing shots.You know,Frank,like "BECKER" did to Lendl and MacEnroe,for years.I had hoped to do the same,this summer,but,thanks to this NEW recent thread,along with the plethora of supporting candy(to me)from the Galibier website,I will probably have to start saving my pennies.

I'll be cursing you,Frank,every time I approach the net,and am passed by one of my "Arch Rival's" shots.Thanks Alot!!!
Thom,the Galibier pages,especially regarding the seemingly fascinating Schroeder Ref. was a fabulous read,to me.I thought the points made about the, "not necessarily an advantage",12.5 vs 9 inch arm length was quite interesting to ponder.

Also,and to me,an arm like a Schroeder,which seems to be infinitely adjustable,is a HUGE advantage(like that Frank?).I really don't get the concern of some hobbyists about it being so adjustable.I,myself,see that as allowing it to be fine tuned to my specific voicing tastes.

I guess there are some people who don't really get the most out of their stuff because they are afraid to familiarize themselves with it,and rely exclusively on the dealer to voice a system.However as time goes on,and we become more experienced it is a GOOD thing to go "Hands On" and learn to extract as much from our stuff as we can.It has helped me to get MUCH more from my own set-up!!I would have a field day with an arm like the Schroeder REF!!One question,there is mention of the variety of cartridges that would mate to a specific wood's mass, in the arm tube.I did not see what mass tube(12 gm Bacote vs 15 gm Jacaranda)would best mate with my 7.5 gm Transfiguration Temper-V.

My only criticism,of the comments,on the Galibier site are of the early review of the Schroeder Ref,where it is stated that this is NOT the reviewer's set-up,and then the reviewer goes on to comment on the "ARM'S" characteristics.The reviewer does mention the comments are in "broad strokes",but how does one really tell the personality of the arm,when it is someone else's set-up.Here,in this particular review,we are told that there had been an arm and cartridge change,recently.Maybe climate conditions changed,or vta,or sra,or almost anything which could have slightly re-voiced the sound,so these comments,although fascinating,are to be taken with a grain of salt.Heck a cable cleaning,alone, could have contributed to a better perception of "Dimensionality".

That being said,I DO DEFINITELY feel this arm MUST be really special!I'm not,in any way,trying to be antagonistic,and loved my 2 hour lunch break,while absorbing all this juicy stuff.It's good to be the boss!!

PS--I DID play tennis,later that day.Got my ass kicked too.TRUTH IS,I DIDN'T EVEN CARE!!!