The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!

I'm not a big Beato fan but he makes some good points at time. This is one of those times IMO. I know some of the younger generation will disagree with the whole premise. Being born in 1951 the boomer gen was hit with the same  indictment about the new Rock & Roll music. There was some truth in it. But we didn't care because we liked R&R. I expect the same from some today who like today's music. but I think if you listen you may find some morsels which can be enlightening. This is especially true for musicians who may find they agree wholeheartedly..

The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse


Showing 2 responses by deep_333

All the talented new artists have everything rigged against them (w.r.t marketing/recognition)....cblocked by a whole lotta boomer bozo artists who’ve already had the marketing in place for a few decades.

Any young music lover looking at a specific genre is forced to look at some untalented boomers placed front and center at the record store. All the high caliber youngins never get looked at, i.e., a stinking shame.



Track Comparison#1

Boomer Favorites VS The Unknown Youngins


Beatles - Hold Your Hand


Some unknown kid from New Zealand...

Unknown Mortal Orchestra - The Garden

Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Multi-Love


Talent Score: 

Boomer = 0

Unknown Kid = 100