5 years ago, when I thought I'd try streaming, 90% of my listening was on vinyl, 10% was CD.
Now it's 85% streaming, 10% vinyl and 5% CD.
Like many have stated, convenience and the vast library have made streaming the go-to for much of my listening.
But, I wouldn't consider selling any of my vinyl or CD's because they were curated by me over the last 55 years, and they represent much of my favorite works. Streaming is cheap and convenient now, but the future is unknown. Perhaps it will become prohibitively expensive for me in my retirement years if the pricing structure changes. Maybe as I downsize and move to a smaller home I won't have access to the gigabyte, fiber internet that I enjoy now. All I know is that if I suddenly had to do without streaming it would not be that big a deal since I have backup sources. Without vinyl and CD backup sources I'd be up shits Creek if my streaming went away.