The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


5 years ago, when I thought I'd try streaming, 90% of my listening was on vinyl, 10% was CD.

Now it's 85% streaming, 10% vinyl and 5% CD.

Like many have stated, convenience and the vast library have made streaming the go-to for much of my listening.

But, I wouldn't consider selling any of my vinyl or CD's because they were curated by me over the last 55 years, and they represent much of my favorite works. Streaming is cheap and convenient now, but the future is unknown. Perhaps it will become prohibitively expensive for me in my retirement years if the pricing structure changes. Maybe as I downsize and move to a smaller home I won't have access to the gigabyte, fiber internet that I enjoy now. All I know is that if I suddenly had to do without streaming it would not be that big a deal since I have backup sources. Without vinyl and CD backup sources I'd be up shits Creek if my streaming went away. 


 Do you own or rent your house (or whatever you live in)? Streaming is in effect 'renting' the music, and the cost never ends, and will surely increase. I have a fairly large collection of both vinyl and CDs, but just bought an entry level streamer this week because of the wide variety of music it brings. As several others have said in this thread, it's all good as long as we are happy listening to the music.

I've been into audio since the 1970's so I've seen audio formats come and go . . . and come back again. Every time I travel to a new city, I search out audio and record shops. In every case, the owners have told me the primary group that buys LPs are 12-34's and at least half don't even own a turntable; they buy the records mostly to support the artists and hope someday to have something on which to play them. At my local used record and CD shops, I actually see people of all ages shopping for both. Perhaps my town is unusual but I don't think so.

I just love looking at a stream.  The art work and the production credits... makes me want to cuddle it does. 
I have a ton of physical media.  I have always wanted my own music store and now I feel like I live in the middle of one.  People freak when they see it.  I still have never heard anyone say, Wow!  Look at your download collection!  

Enjoy the music my friends~

I still have never heard anyone say, Wow!  Look at your download collection! 

@vinylvision1 But you’re kinda missing a lot of the point of streaming.  I don’t care how large your current music library is, it’s just a fraction of what’s available to stream, and there are worlds of new music to be heard that you’d never hear otherwise.  And that’s the point — finding worlds of wonderful new music rather than playing the same stuff you’ve already heard over and over again.  Not saying that’s not rewarding as far as it goes and I still do that as well, but that’s as far as it goes.  The ability to effortlessly explore and find unlimited new music is the most exciting and rewarding thing I’ve experienced as an audiophile of over 40 years.  Ignore that to your own detriment.