The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD

A few days ago, one of my favorite YouTube channels did a video on the CD. This channel (Asianometry) always does an incredible job telling the story of different technologies, technical industries and/or products.

I think most of you will find the 25 minute video to be very interesting.

Asianometry - The rapid start (& end) of the CD


Showing 1 response by martinl07d

I am 58 and never gave up on vinyl. 
When the CD revolution was released I really tried to like it. I just could not get into the format. Of course when you could not get new vinyl anymore I was forced into CDs. I bought a very expensive at the time CD player thinking that may help (it didn’t) Fast Forward to 2016 my daughter is 11 and she wants to get into vinyl. 
I would take her and her friends used record stores and the kids had a blast. 
My daughter built quite a record collection. Then of course vinyl blew up and my daughter and her friends could not afford a new LP anymore. That is went most of them got into CDs getting most for $1-$2 like the LPs we used to buy. Now CDs are going up $7-$8. Now she and her friends are starting college this year. Rooms are so small no room for a TT or CD player. Which means all streaming now. Point as much as we want our kids to enjoy the old ways it will be overtaken by the present. 
All forms have their good and bad I just hope the music continues forever. 
Happy Listening to whatever way you listen to it.