the quest for the best--within limits

many threads appear on these forums of the following type:

what is the best (fill in component type) that costs less than (fill in the price point) ?

i am curious as to why there are so many threads of this type, when, i suspect, the originator of the thread probably realizes that there is no definitive answer to such a question.

Showing 2 responses by dover

They are lazy. Many of the questions have been asked before. A few strokes of the keyboard will find the answers to many questions asked.
One of the easiest ways of narrowing down equipment choice is to use the Virtual Systems.
For example if you have tonearm x, and want to know which cartridge would be best, then search on virtual systems to find out what other owners of tonearm x are using. Check the rest of their system to find out if they have similar taste to you.
Make a shortlist and check reviews on the web.
I think this methodology will give you a better, clearer picture and more likely to make the best choice than hundreds of recommendations without any explanation.