I find 9 o’clock and 10 on my sugden class A is plenty loud driving my tannoys. This is for both cd and lp’s. To think it only has 30 watts into 8 ohms....I’d guess by the volume it is capable of putting out, it has a lot more, but most likely not. I Used to own a 100 watt rogue class D, and I still own a 90 watt marantz (now in storage), and I miss neither.
The psychological factor
Since I got a new amplifier a while ago, I have hesitated putting the volume control on the preamp past 12 o’clock because that was never a good choice with previous amps. I was afraid I would overload the system. I now find that factor was depriving me of the best sound I could obtain.
Placing it now at 12 or above, I’m now finally enjoying what the amp is truly capable of.
I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like that.
Placing it now at 12 or above, I’m now finally enjoying what the amp is truly capable of.
I wonder if anyone else has experienced anything like that.