JCarr, You wrote, "the Triplanar and other tonearms that have drop-down headshell sides may have problems with wide-bodied cartridges like the Allearts Formula One." What model of Triplanar have you used that has such a headshell? I have owned mine for more than 15 years, and, altho it is not sitting in front of me at the moment, I could swear that the under-surface of the headshell is a flat plane with no "sides" to it. Moreover, to my knowledge there has been no change to the headshell design in the entire long history of the product. Your warning would still apply to tonearms that DO sport such headshells, to be sure. Anyway, the Allaerts cartridges are unusually wide-bodied.
the perfect tonearm
I know that it doesn't exist, but I'm looking for a tonearm retailing less than $2000 that has multiple virtues- easy to setup even for a clod like myself, flexibility eg, VTA on the fly, azimuth and easy anti-skating adjustments and also with a effective mass that allows it to be used with a wide range of cartridges. Oh, and I prefer the classic looking S shaped arms if possible.
Some that are intriguing are Graham 2.2, Jelco 750, SME 3012???
Some that are intriguing are Graham 2.2, Jelco 750, SME 3012???