The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀

Showing 47 responses by fleib


The other descriptions I saw appear to be from dealers, so I think you must be right. Since Halcro didn't write a full review I guess we have a grand total of 1.  If Acoustical Systems wants a "professional" review in the US, they'll probably have to advertise or advertise more.

While I only know a handful of words in German, my translator does a pretty good job. Japanese - not so good.  But the photo tells us it has a straight cantilever and it looks like aluminum, and with a nude tip.  Seems unusual for a cart with this price tag. Turns out that's exactly what it is, but shorter than previous models and the tip is shibata.

The review has some BS about aluminum resonances being less objectionable than more exotic materials because they are lower in frequency. It might be true in this case because I suspect Brakemeier used this to voice the cart according to his design goals - live music. 

Not having heard the cart I can't comment further. Seems a bit overpriced to me, but most new stuff does.


Lew, I suspect it was involuntary. Palladian refers to the goddess Pallas Athena and apparently Brakemeier is her modern champion. The goddess must have mistakenly been upset when you joked about her known attributes, but on a modern demi goddess.

This might seem like a stretch, but everyone knows we're powerless when it comes to goddesses.



The mouse wasn't disturbing, only a little surprising. Most of them have been eliminated by B C the cat. She likes to play with them, bat them around and give chase. Then she lets them go.

They scurry off, but mortally wounded from her claws, they find a place to die. Hopefully, that place isn't behind an unmovable object like a radiator. Sometimes I find them by smell.  At first, B C used to bring them to me, but seeing my aversion to mouse, she no longer does.

I have no such aversion to aluminum, the Mr Softee of metals, but it depends on the specifics. It's light weight and rather flexible in thin pieces and I've long said that I prefer straight aluminum cantilevers to tapered, in certain applications.

I agree with Raul in one respect even though I haven't heard any of Brakemeier's products. He hasn't invented anything including the uni-din alignment.  How is an alignment an invention anyway?  Find 2 nulls along the recorded part and you have an alignment. I used similar alignments 30+ years ago setting up Japanese tables. They were inevitably designed for Stevenson. If you locate the cart at the far end of the headshell slots and increase offset angle you get an inner null of about 63.5mm.

With extremely expensive high end carts, it's hard to see the value. Personally, I think WWIII is just around the corner and a solar or wind powered generator/battery charger for your bomb shelter would be a better investment.



What's the point, I didn't take the bait on aluminum so you get insulting?

I doubt if Brakemeier has a patent.  As far as I know he hasn't invented anything, but he takes credit for uni-din and on the web site makes some dubious claims about distortion reduction. 

If you want to tout Acoustical Systems there might be better ways than insulting people or crushing any dissent.  I tend to believe Halcro's assessment is honest, but that does not mean I think any phono cartridge is worth $10,000. +

Heroes ?  These people are no heroes, just people who contributed something. Whether or not their contribution is appreciated is another question. These discussions inevitably lead to other things and this is no longer just about another overpriced phono cartridge. 

With some companies the name of the game is, 'whatever the market will bear'.  The AS table looks impressive and probably costs a small fortune, but where's the perceived value in this cartridge, some special varnish on the aluminum cantilever?  This is BS.  I think the list price of Goldfinger is now $17K - 2g of real gold and a magnet array = the price of a cheap compact car.  You know what P T Barnum said. 

Lewm, Your post about energy management reads like a page out of the Pierre Lurne' play book. I think we had this discussion before on a tonearm thread and some people make no distinction between different ways to deal with this.

I take "undamped in the traditional sense" to mean no additional fluid or rubber type dampers used.  In this case the quote was out of context and the name calling unjustified. 

Is this the same old argument about the FR/S arms?  Might as well stop reading now. This could go on forever. 

Halcro, did you try the Palladian in another arm? Dirk Sommer who wrote the HIFI Statement review used a Thales Simplicity and an Acoustical Systems Aquilar on a Brinkman LaGrange.  He said the cart is his analog discovery of the year.

My mistake about the arms. Apparently Brakemeier set up the cart on the Aquilar for Sommer. 

**But when I return to the Palladian......I realise that this one cartridge  combines every great attribute of all the wonderful cartridges I adore, into a single whole.
And then adds another dimension...
If I had only one cartridge......this would be it‼️**

Is this love or infatuation?  We have an idea of what Halcro likes in a cartridge. He listed some of his favorites in another post and has been discussing this here and on other forums.

Seems to me there is a difference in presentation between many MM and MC carts. You know what I'm referring to, an immediacy, a straightforward sound in contrast to a more soundstagey perspective. Of course not all carts conform, but we know what OP likes.

So far, there is no perfect cart and I doubt if this is. I'm guessing the trade off is harmonic detail, texture and layering. Being able to unravel the Stephen Stills or Respighi implies omission, like the natural sounding presentation of a 103 with it's aluminum cantilever and conical tip. Of course this has a shibata and varnish on the cantilever which makes it special.

I don't mean to imply this is not a great cart, but why the deceptions on the web site?  I read about the arm and it says uni din can only be achieved on the 2 AS arms and it is the intellectual property of Brakemeier.  Maybe their English is misstated, but the first part is an outright lie.  63.3 & 112.5mm are probably the easiest to achieve on any adjustable arm, regardless of factory alignment. 

Raul is absolutely right about this one. This alignment is Loefgren B moved closer to the label.  I posted the comparison months ago on Audio Circle. Maybe Brakemeier means that if you use this alignment you're using his intellectual property and it's a no-no.  Either way he would be well advised to remove that nonsense from the site.  It's been my experience that people who can afford this stuff aren't stupid, but they might not care if the product does what they want.

Obviously the words "guessing" and "implies" means it's conjecture, but it's a possibility, a likely one. There's no new technology here just a potted MC and apparently a very good one. Then again, perhaps it has some magical qualities, being able to discern the good from the bad and sort it out for you. Maybe it has no flaws and makes sense of things other carts can't, but is that likely? 

Find a master tape dub of the recordings in question and you'll find out.

**I never understood why someone might prefer a "revealing" component? Is the objective to find flaws in recordings & other gear or to enjoy music? **

Revealing is to expose information otherwise hidden. Too revealing is a consequence of limitations in the equipment or recording. 

**"Implies" is a logical conclusion, not a conjecture...**

Imply is a suggestion without direct evidence or explicit reference.

I suppose you think "guessing" means it's a foregone conclusion, but it doesn't.

We now have a grand total of 2 reviews including Halcro's. I said all along I believe his assessment, but we all have different sensibilities.

First of all, to imply is an English verb meaning by suggestion or supposition.
Infer means to conclude from evidence, not imply.

''Implies'' is logical conclusion, not a conjecture''.

This is correct provided we provided the premisse from which  the conclusion follow. The logic state that a conclusion is true if the premisse is also true.***

Not quite. The premise can be true and the conclusion false if the argument is faulty. 

This is like reading pedantic nonsense. Any statement or argument  is true if you prove it to be so, or might be true without proof to the contrary.

Taking one word out of context and changing the meaning of a statement or paragraph is a fallacy in itself.  

Seems to me this conversation is getting a bit strange. Someone is saying the mechanical amplitude of cantilever movements should be the same for different carts, or types of carts?

That's a bizarre notion. Maybe you're looking at the stylus end of the stick? What really counts is the generator end. That's where the cantilever delivers the goods - excites the generator and converts mechanical movement to electricity.

Compliance is a measure of springiness. Would you expect 2 cantilevers with different springiness, made of different material, and of different lengths, to vibrate/resonate and deflect the same? 

I think the reason you can get decent results with a 64S, is because the arm/cart resonant frequency with a 'normal' cu cart goes down rather than up.  If you have a stable platform you can tune the combo with compatible headshell, tonearm wrap, damping, etc. and whatever works as long as it tracks and your woofers aren't jumping out of their baskets.

If you use a low cu cart on light arm, the resonant frequency goes up and approaches or enters the audible band which results in intermodulation distortion. IMD can sound euphonic here, reinforcing the bass or midbass, although it can cause involvement many octaves above the resonant frequency.

***Why would a MM cart have any difference in stylus movement than a MC?***

I don't think you can attribute any differences there to generator type, seems more like a function of stylus profile, contact area, groove height and that sort of thing. It might be nonproductive looking at it that way.

There's another traditional line of thought as to energy transfer and motor type and it has to do with the nature of the beast.  Because the coils are moving they transfer more energy and are more subject to returning energy. This kind of makes sense. The fixed coils in a MM are gigantic in comparison and you have a small magnet or two, wiggling.

One thing is for sure, MM's are much harder to load, but they're tunable. 

Raul, Given your criteria for a great cart (sounding live), you might like the Acoustical Systems offerings?  I try to keep an open mind, but like you, won't endorse something I haven't heard or jump on some bandwagon. Have you heard any of the other AS models?

I have to withdraw my analysis of uni-din alignment, at least for now. I have reason to believe it might be based on false information - the 63.3 and 112.5mm nulls.  More on this later.


Halcro,  Even if the movements on the stylus end are similar, I think we  need to look at the stylus/cantilever as a system, a vibrator.  That might sound funny, but that's exactly what it is. That little guy has to vibrate 20,000 times per second to achieve 20KHz. To think that some carts have response to three times that or more is hard to conceive, but it's true.


Not so fast Raul.

Okay, here's the deal; I saw a PDF written by Dietrich Brakemeyer in 2015. It kind of explains the design criteria of uni din. It gives a brief history of alignments (I won't bore you with the details) and talks about his alternate alignment as an option.

As a preface to the PDF he says the published nulls (Analog Planet) are wrong. I want to make this clear. I have not been in touch with Acoustical Systems or Brakemeier directly, or Fremer, and I have no vested interest in any of this.

I saw this late at night and at first I thought  perhaps the nulls change with eff length. After a second reading I'm not sure, but probably not. Check this out- to paraphrase:

 Uni-Din does not follow the standard calculations for tangential curves as we know them. It also features very unusual resulting offset angle and overhang for the effective length. Uni-Din was first designed, then calculated.

You may be tempted to recalculate Uni-Din based on the known second null point with the calculation tools offered in VE or similar websites.

However, this inevitably leads to the first null point being more than 20mm away from reality, and thus leads to a curve that is anything but Uni Din.**

I'll be honest. I don't know what the hell he's talking about because there's not enough info. I don't have an AS alignment device to debunk this. AFAIK this is like a Dennesen or Feikert protractor which gives you the inner null?  One of these protractors automatically gives the outer null. If one null can not be calculated from the other, it can be measured.

This requires a novel device called a ruler, or you could go to VE and download a Chpratz protractor which is just a calibrated straight line.

Uni-Din owners - measure your nulls.

**Why do they dominate the high end? **

I think you know.  Despite their limitations, "they do have the undeniable virtue of costing more." 

What would you use on your Thorens  or Goldmund Reference, a Shure V15?  How about a beautiful Koetsu to adorn that throne, and when the tip wears you get a replacement for half price. The sound is lush, and dare I say romantic?  Not your cup of tea?  Maybe a Veritas will get those high frequencies for the hard of hearing. Too forward?  Then the Benz is for you. You'll get perspective like you wouldn't believe. It sounds as if your stereo is across the street, but it's perfect for those Altec horns in that small room of yours above the garage.  It's a shame, but the wife is sensitive you know.

Raul, good documentation. I wasn't aware of those threads you linked to. There's always a danger in trying to justify subjective opinion(s) with science, especially when it's phony science. The posts by Mark Kelly are interesting. 

I already resolved the alignment thing, at least to my satisfaction, without bothering to verify anything. Here's my post a few days ago on Audio Circle:

My previous comments about UNI DIN alignment might be incorrect. Brakemeier claims Analog Planet nulls are wrong. My comments are based on Fremer's published information or misinformation as the case may be. Maybe his friend Wally Whatisname screwed up?

I'll cut to the chase. Although Brakemeier claims that one null can not be calculated from the other and they don't conform to traditional geometry, I think he's full of it. This is a smoke screen. If there is one null, there has to be another or the alignment would be unlistenable. I suspect the point of alignment on his template is not actually the null and that's why Mikey screwed up, if in fact he did. 

Brakemeier is a cleaver fellow and he claims intellectual property for this alignment. Good luck with that one Mr. Brakemeier. I think you might have delusions of grandeur.
Anyway, the giant table looks awesome and I suspect Acoustical Systems will sell a bunch of their carts at $10K/pop, maybe some arms and alignment devices. They will have to settle for that.***

It's also interesting that the protractor was compared to the Clearaudio  device. I read a post somewhere that claimed, the CA protractor is flawed because the line of alignment to the arm pivots is incorrect - misplaced.  This looks like it's the case, but I've never used or seen either of these.

Despite any history you might have with Dertonarm  AKA Dietrich Brakemeier, I think this cart should be judged on its merits. You might have a hard time convincing Acoustical Systems cartridge owners that their ears are deceiving them. The rest is history or conjecture.



I think you would have been better off letting this go instead of reminding me that I am not in the business, not a professional, which also means I'm not in competition with Acoustical Systems.  I can't remember having any interaction with Dertonarm on this forum or anywhere else, and have nothing against him personally, and I wasn't aware of his apparent sordid history as a cheat and con man. This is well documented with testimony, in Raul's link:

I also wasn't aware, but suspected that the principal of the company, one
Axinia Schäfer, is or was his wife.  This is to avoid past liability claims? If one believes these posts on Whatsbestforum, Daniel Brakemeier AKA Dietrich Brakemeier looks like a moral sociopath, someone thinking they are above judgment and believes their own lies.

Despite this, I suggested that the cart should be judged on its merits. You, on the other hand suggested that I shouldn't post on Raul's MM/MI thread because I, at the time, did not own enough qualifying carts. This is despite the fact that in the past I owned a TK10 MLII, Kisiki Blue, M20FL Super, and numerous others -  currently an AT15/20SS, 980LZ, Z1/SAS, Genesis 1000, etc.

As a past mfg. I submit that any company is constantly on trial in the court of public perception. Counselor, your last posts do not help your friend.



*** ''the counselor'' which post ''do not help (his) friend''

is public so everyone is entitled to comment. As a ''counsellor'' I don't think that your witness (aka Raul) will make your post very convincing. Your pretended neutrality regarding Dertonarm is also not very convincing because of your insinuations that Dertoarm is a ''moral sociopath''. But more to the point is the fact that you has nothing to say about my arguments. This is usual in your reactions to my post. You deed not deny to have never seen or used any of Dertonarms products. What value should we put on your comments on his products then? Then I mentioned ''craftsmanship'' in the context of your interpretation of intellectual property. I teached intelllectul property for 30 years. I even mentioned ''know how'' which in no way imply patent as such . You also deed not deny my statement that Dertonarm is a professional manufacturer while you and Raul are amateurs. I hope for you that you will be never involved in whatever lawsuit without an councellor . With your kind of ''argumentation''  you will have no chance.***

Once again, what's the point, to dig a deeper hole for Brakemeier?

Raul is not the witness. He pointed the way to a 10 page indictment on What's Best Forum. Can you defend against it?  Those posts seem credible to me, but if you have evidence to the contrary.....

My "insinuations" were the logical conclusion of the moral aspect of the thread.  That was stated clearly in "looks like ..."

On the AS web site intellectual property is claimed for uni din.  LOL

I don't believe that past mistakes or problems should necessarily be held against someone. That's why I suggested to Raul that he might like the sound of AS carts, and the Palladian should be judged on its merits.

Want more bad publicity for Acoustical Systems?  That's what the court of public opinion is about.

Nandric, in case you hadn't noticed, my post on 12/10 10:37pm was addressed to Raul after he documented a lengthy attack. I commented on the substance of his post and ended:

"Despite any history you might have with Dertonarm AKA Dietrich Brakemeier, I think this cart should be judged on its merits. You might have a hard time convincing Acoustical Systems cartridge owners that their ears are deceiving them. The rest is history or conjecture."

Then you talk about those who like or dislike Brakemeyer, etc. etc.

Are you familiar with the term dummkopf?


***This is a great place to start. The UNI-DIN approach is informatively explained on the AS website:

I do hope that we can all kiss and make up and move on and enjoy this wonderful hobby, and present our views, all the more credibly, without personal attacks. ***

This is one of the things I already addressed. Maybe you thought it was just an attack with no basis in reality? Did you read the post script?

It is claimed that one null (point of tangency) can not be calculated from the other. According to the rules of geometry this is only possible if the cartridge can be aligned two ways at the same time. In other words, it's not possible. If you have an alternate solution I'd be interested.


You  previously spoke about language games. Although I have a degree in another field, I worked in high end audio for awhile because I like it. I was never an assistant or a clerk, as you described me in the past. After cofounding AHT (mfg.) I moved on.

This is neither here nor there. Since we have only two user reports of Palladian why don't you talk about your AS cartridge?  I doubt if you'll get more mileage out of "killing" me.


***I appreciate this comment as these are the words of an open mind. Here's the thing. I am not a geometrician and I do not know the geometry behind UNI-DIN. But what I do know is that there must be excellent geometry behind UNI-DIN as otherwise it would not work. It is impossible for it to produce the sound I am getting if it did not work. ***

Seems to me that "it" didn't produce the sound, the cartridge did. 

Out of a mound of bull manure, a prairie flower grows.  Would an orchid survive under such conditions? 

Wouldn't know, I'm not an orchidophile, but I like the way they look.

Best regards,


I'm being unfriendly? Anyone who doesn't completely agree with you is subject to hostile characterizations. Like your reference to your personal cantilever in your mini review, it seems as if you're easily excitable.

Your analogy is inconsistent with my remarks.  Using similar logic, do you think the cartridge would sound bad using a conventional alignment?

I'm telling you flat out, the post script I talked about previously, is BS.  Saying the cart can not be evaluated without the alignment, is nonsense.



***Dear Fleib, Your strategy is not to react to the questions asked but

to persist on your theoretical assumptions.

You just stated: ''Saying the cart can not be evaluated without the

alignment, is nonsense.'' How about evaluation of any cart without any experience with the cart in question? This is bluewolf's argument which you deed not address. The reason is obvious.***

I never evaluated the cartridge, in fact I stated all along I thought it must be very good. My concerns about the post script are not theoretical. Prove me wrong.

If it's about the prairie flower and an orchid, that requires a value judgment. Some prairie flowers are more beautiful than some orchards IMO. 



The jealous and sordid vendetta propagated by a 'failed' Mexican sociopath is able to be ignored.....but your 'excitement' at these disclosures is sickening.***

Mexican sociopath?  I think you have it backwards mate.  As far as I can see, that's a German con man. The WBF thread is from 2012, not all that long ago, but enough time to declare bankruptcy and hope it goes away?

That's not excitement. It's disgust.


Those weren't performance evaluations.  Raul's last post was first hand confirmation of ethical concerns.  Do you think he's lying?

Maybe Brakemeier is now wealthy enough he doesn't have to con and cheat people, but I wouldn't count on it.  The titanium body is what justifies the price tag. I wonder.... 

Halcro, If Brakemeier gets back to me with any new info, I'll post it.

You throw Raul under the bus in defense of...?   You're the one who should be ashamed.


The shibata was the first extended contact tip. It preceded the line contact. The diamond is cut with a different facet on the front and back surfaces. This gives a curved contact area as the record spins, and is characterized by an extended and slightly softened high end.

There are two sizes of shibata. The review made reference to the original shibata, but was unclear whether this was in reference to size or shape. Tip dimensions were not given.

Man, this forum sucks. Looks like some people go back and edit their post, but there is no notice of an edit. 

Did any of you AS fan boys bother to look up the titanium type?  Why was the formula in the review? You don't have to read German to cut and paste. I looked it up days ago and it's the only thing I asked Brakemeier about specifically. 

It's a relatively new type made for high temps, up to 600° C. They use it inside jet engines and similar applications. Doesn't seem appropriate unless the aluminum content is high. That might make it softer and easier to work? 

Seems like some people will say anything to protect their investment or promote their friend. Nandric, you got on my case when I criticized Raul. You declared you friendship for him, but now he's the Mexican who failed to produce a tonearm. You're a great friend.

Folk freak is the only Palladium owner here with a lick of sense.

Not sure why I'm wasting time here. I have a thread 77 pages long with over 15K posts. If I wanted abuse I could always pick a fight there. Thought I might be able to go back and say something interesting about this product or company other than the same pretentious BS. That's what the dumb head question was about - exploring all avenues and .... oh, never mind.

I posted a long time ago that I first encountered Raul on a VE thread where he declared all MCs hopelessly flawed and/or distorted. This was some time after he started his MM/MI thread, maybe 8/9 yrs. ago?  His command of English was much the same as today.  Unspecified distortions and vaguely described flaws were hard to dispute and it was a frustrating experience. Now his posts seem longer and more repetitious. 

I'm not sure if there was some kind of dispute about someone not getting a purchase from him. I thought of him as basically honest, and still do.

What's really changed is his usefulness to some other members in identifying high performing vintage carts. Some people would wait for his picks or get them by email and invest. 

I've heard a couple heavy metal tunes I like, but I'm far from knowing much about metallurgy. Here's what Brakemeier said:

"I am using Timet 1100 Titanium for all my cartridge bodies due to the fact that it combines outstanding high drawing strength with about the highest transition speed in all suitable metals.This I consider of importance to get mechanical induces energy from the tracking process during playback as fast as possible through the tonearm, its bearings and into the base."

This is the same formula as in the review.

Seems like a good idea to me, although I can't confirm the specs. This is what Lewm was talking about earlier in the thread. Most of the mechanical energy of the cart does not get converted to electricity. The best idea IMO is to dissipate excess energy and critically damp any remaining.

I've been looking over this thread and want to clear up a couple of things. I misread Raul's "email" post and referred to it as first hand information. I thought Raul was also a victim, but apparently not. However, I believe this is actual correspondence, not fabricated.

Ortofon only offers a conventional 2 point protractor. I don't know what they offered in the past. This became part of the discussion of Uni DIN protractor and alignment. I'm under the impression that the AS alignment device is like a Dennesen SoundTractor or Feikert, only more elaborate and with different templates for different spindle size.  Lewm commented in the past that AS protractor is a superior in its precision. CA has an alignment device of similar design as Dennesen. That's the one allegedly flawed, with the line of sight.

This has nothing to do with my objection to the post script I referred to previously. Many people are confused about alignment, but it's just math or measuring results.

The situation with deletions and revisions stinks. People talk about having their post deleted, but sometimes they do it, or a revision themselves as a strategy. My posts stand as is and I've made no request for a post to be deleted.

Thuchan, I usually like nuts and bolts/metal washers more than threaded holes, but that depends on the particulars. These holes have no metal insert for thread: they look like they are cut into the body. That's both good in terms of coupling and contact area, and bad in terms of playing around with torque or swapping.  Titanium is usually worked by taking small slices, if you catch my drift. 

Although I use removable headshells, one-piece is superior IMO. No getting around the facts of 8 additional electrical connections and a physical boundary to bounce vibrations back in the wrong direction. Of course removable types have the advantage of ease of swapping, and look at all those shells you can try, to make it sing. 

I have no plans to try the cart. I spend far too much time and money with this stuff as it is. Time is the most precious thing we have and most people realize this when it's too late.  I'm on this thread mostly out of curiosity and felt like digging around. I had forgotten about this one below - a couple of testimonials for the protractor:

Oh Yea,

BC strikes again - another field mouse, a big one this time. I’ll throw it in the yard for the strays. She’s a Russian Blue, but looks grey to me.

Here’s a dramatic catch:

Thuchan, Did you watch the you tube video?   Maybe you didn't like it, but I did.  So it goes with just about anything that requires a value judgment.

From the beginning of this thread I didn't question the performance of the cart. After reading what Halcro had to say here and on another forum I knew it was good.  So what?  What I object to is underhanded tactics and inaccurate analogies by the AS fan boys on this thread. Are you saying the performance of the cart is dependent on the protractor? I think not. I don't care what's the best selling in Germany. Maybe a Volkswagen is the best selling car in Germany. I don't care.

I think there are other value judgments where we differ. Some people like the FR64S. I think it's a second rate arm. Bottom line - if the protractor makes you happy, good for you.


Raul, glad to see you're back. Nice post - focused and concise.

Halcro does not need a road map to find the way home.  No, Brakemeier did not reinvent the phono cartridge, but it looks like he did everything right. Why should he spend time building the motor when Ortofon, VdH, whoever, can build it to spec for him? 

Years ago my wheel man had a '68 Chevy Z-28 Trans America road racer.  This was factory custom ordered set up for the Baja. It was aluminum alloy from head to toe (rear) w/ 3/4 race cam. The Holly 4-bbl was the size of the block. You could stick your fist down each barrel.

It had a close ratio 4 speed, Holly shifter, clutch like a tow truck, and a 25 lb. spring on the gas pedal so you didn't blow it up. Sucker red lined at 7K rpm - did 60 mph in first gear. 

I drove it home one night cause dude was in space. I did 165 - my personal high and I still had pedal left.  Got home pretty quick too.

Best regards to you and your family this holiday season,

Looks like I made another mistake. Of course, it was a Hurst shifter on the Chevy. It was before 6:00 AM ....

Bluewolf, you have 30 posts on this forum and you use the royal "we" ?  I am not amused. This is serious business, much more important than someone's well being?  The Mercedes Formula 1 car you talked about earlier in this thread looks good @ 900 HP although it could not compete in the Baja. Maybe you missed the part in the review - generators are made by a major West European mfg.  What do you think I was talking about with that true story?

I wonder what the verb to google, is worth to that company.  Vaseline is petroleum jelly, not napalm or some plastic made from oil.  The discussion of intellectual property seems timely, not that there's anything here worth pursuing, not like billions in movie copyright infringement. 

Mitch Cotter made some great preamps early on. He split from Verion in the late '70's I believe. I didn't have much experience with those electric blue wonders, but what I heard sounded like music. This is a Boston Audio Society from '77.

Analoglver, AS fans, boys and girls,

I've been making inquiries about the claims regarding Acoustical Systems and Dietrich Brakemeier. That's why I remained on this thread long after it was about the cartridge.

Looking at the What's Best Forum thread I think we can safely dismiss most of the talk about unfair record trading practices and similar. What is of concern is the approximately $50K claim documented in Raul's email.

This appears to be from the actual person who ordered a preamp, then cancelled the order before delivery. The information supplied by different parties looks genuine and matches up.

The original claim is at least four years old and the person has not responded to my inquiries. I think I have allowed sufficient time for a response, but if that person is incapacitated in some way and can not respond at the moment, there is legal recourse. I don't know if there are time limits on that, but I think the question is moot.



You gossip like you just got your first training bra. You're the one who played Raul's picks as if you were at the race track.  Sorry I told you anything in emails.  I find your behavior thoroughly disgusting. You might be a law prof. of 30 years, but you have no honor.


Italian kiss is a death threat.  That's no joke. It's a public offer for a  contract, payable upon completion.

Spenden umleiten

die opfer des terrors

Men happen to be a minority on this planet. Men are discriminated against, by the politically correct women who want to dominate.

Males mature later than females and their inattention in early grades penalizes them by overworked and underpaid teachers.  Men and women are obviously not equal. This has nothing to do with equal pay.

Methinks we have strayed from the natural order of things.


Live is where it's at.  Git to NYC or get your hometown to play some great

live music.  It's a shame what some towns call the real deal.     

Recorded music is a minification of a real musical event.   A studio session is a real musical event, so what's the difference?
