The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀

Showing 34 responses by ct0517

not looking for a cartridge, so haven't read any reviews, but this AudioGon thread reminds me of a summer scene at the cottage.

I am floating on the dock drinking beer, taking it all in with friends. All is good with the world. Then out of nowhere comes... the Canadian Horse Fly. He is predictable, on schedule, and everyone knows that he will show up when it is nice and sunny and warm. But no one has bothered to put on any anti fly cream.

I have seen pictures of Nandric (Nikola's) room, and I have seen pictures of Halcro (Henry's) room. The two could not be more different, both in dimensions and materials. One is a square peg and the other is round.
Nikola likes MC and Henry MM. But it is obvious they both like Dertonarm.

Now the important part.
Nikola loves Slivovitz. So the question remaining for me. What is Henry's favorite drink?

(Two Grins)

In USA $10,445
What is the manufacturing cost for this cartridge. Ball park.

The problem however is my Serbian upbringing
according to which the revenge is more important than sex.

hah hah hah.....8^0

So I will give Fleib the so called ’Italian kiss’’ just before I kill the guy.

Such an extreme? Would you like me to send you some horsefly cream instead?  I have some left over. We are in winter here and I have no use for it right now.

What kind of (former) compatriote are you?
I thought that you got the same upbringing as I deed.

Nikola - I remember the revenge "thing' from the early years I spent with my Grandmother. 
But I am a product of the 60's and my parents... were influenced by the Trudeau government - Pierre & Maggie. My parents influenced me the most. And in Canada now, we have Pierre and Maggie's son running Canada. 8^0

It was ingrained in me not to do two things. 1) Brag 2) Say bad things of others.

BTW I get my Sliwowitz in Essen, Germany, in
huge quantities(50 liter each time) so I don't need your ''leftovers''.

Now you are bragging.... Our liquor stores are regulated by the government. :^(

thx Henry 
too much documentation right now. using my mornings to figure out how the outdrive works on the latest boat. 8^)
meant to show a link with shibata. its closest to the cutting stylus I think. Let me know if you are having a cartridge sale one day. May be interested in your Decca. (low miles right?)


I rank revenge-sex, one level above make-up-sex.   
Nandric - I rank Ikeda 9 cantileverless versions above Decca kinds.

Do you think that maybe..... .just maybe....this bias could be based on the tonearms you own; compared to the reference tonearms for each of these designers ?

What do you think ?

I submit example one.

The Ikeda tonearm.

I submit example two.

The Decca Reference tonearm.

Do you still think I would prefer the Ikeda design ?


@Folkfreak, Fleib - thx for that info.

Folkfreak - I can’t imagine spending this kind of money on a cartridge ...and then having to have a shim made for it to make it work ?
For this kind of money, $15k Canadian dollars, I am talking to the manufacturer to determine his knowledge of my tonearm. I would want assurances from the manufacturer that it will fit, and be compatible. Thats just me. Good luck with it. 

I am curious to know and learn what kind of rock is on the end of the cantilever of a cartridge like this?

Can I ask for some "first hand knowledge" from one of the owners ?
Is it one of these types ?


King Nikola

A virgin or virgine ''attribute'' is something that is very valueable. I kind of compliment . In particular by the Arabs each of them willing to give at least 6 camels for one.

Oh wise King Nikola 

Will 6 camels allow us to buy one Palladian ? 
@ the Cart collectors on this thread who also own this cart.

Nandric, Thuchan, Halcro.....others ?

Has this cart induced you into having a holiday sale of your collections; or is it just another expensive addition?

(To be honest, Henry’s "lack of" response to my offer to buy his Decca earlier, makes me think it is the later....... )

you ask many questions Henry. Maybe you could start a Decca thread ?

My situation is such that the American Parent Company shut down our Canadian Operation, some 5 years now. Since then, I am still not able to find good local work in my field. This has forced me to hone my bartering skills.
Now I offered 6 camels for a Palladian, but was advised by Czar Nikola that Dertonarm was not interested. Apparently because they can hold drink better than him. I do realize it can be frustrating if one needs to get up and take a piss, just before those Canon shots are about to go off in your room. :^(
I also do imagine that real Canon shots have been responsible for many pissed pants in the past.
So I make the same offer to you. 6 camels for your Decca. :^)

I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone running it on a straight tracker.

is that dealer located near you Henry ?

I run a custom ET 2.5 straight tracker. It has patents. Mine is a custom built unit from Bruce Thigpen. It also has this special joint part that we call the Gooseneck, that I was able to acquire from your neighbor New Zealand, courtesy of Richard Krebs. Also a custom ET2 straight tracker user.


My tonearm has been, with the exchange of appropriate armwands and leaf springs for compliance tuning, able to handle everything from a lightweight Sonus Blue Gold to the XV1. So not worried about the Decca. As long as the records off-center is decent, and the air really good, the arm can handle anything mounted to it.

@ King Nikola

An Arab on a camel, in a city in Arabia ..... is no big deal.

Now an Aussie on a camel in lets say .....downtown Sydney .....will I believe garner more attention than if he sat in a nice old Porsche....

Now the problem the way I see long is it going to take that Aussie to travel by Camel 1000 kms, to get to the nearest Decca dealer.

Hi Thuchan

the Kuzma came after the ET2. To the casual observer they look similar, but are two very different designs and need to be set up differently. The biggest differences, the Kuzma’s smaller manifold moves and the ET’s larger manifold does not. The Kuzma needs its airline tubing and wiring for damping, the ET does not. However the ET’s Achilles heel for the basic setup is in how the wiring is laid out to fit on many tables for business sales. The first thing all advanced setups do is use single shot wiring direct to the phono. The other big difference is that the ET2 is unique with all tonearms in the way one sets VTF. The biggest technical setup errors IMO come in this area. The ET has high horizontal inertia and medium vertical. It is very important due to the vertical leaf spring counterweight (and resonances in play ) to use the weights in a manner as described in the manual, to achieve the highest vertical inertia for the best bass. Next you tune the leaf spring I beam, for cart compliance, much like a suspension on a car with single, double ,triple leaf springs. No pro reviewer ever achieved this level of set up with this tonearm. Yet everyone on the ET2 thread is educated on it. Reviewers I assume do not like to read manuals. :^(

In emails with Dertonarm years ago he went wrong in this area of setting VTF with the bass performance. Very easy to do if one is used to a pivot arm where you slide the weight forward closer to the bearing to get more VTF. You need to go the opposite way with the ET 2.0 and 2.5. It was awkward for me to discuss this with him at the time as he was already past this point, and on his analog mission. I actually asked King Nikola to bring the conversation up to him on another thread recently.


What I learned regarding linear trackers: it might be not the best choice using carts with rubber parts due to the heavy side movements.

For a design like the Kuzma I would not use a high compliance cart for reasons I mentioned above. With a properly setup ET 2.0 or 2.5,
you can play whatever cartridge you like.

"the lateral forces are .1 gm. compared to .2 gm on a conventional arm. These figures apply if you do not play records that are not severely out of round. If you like to play severely eccentric records, ones with run out greater than 1/8 ", then we suggest you use a low mass pivot arm"

taken from ET 2 manual - Page 47 - Antiskating and Frequency Modulation Distortion Section.


So you can use any cart you like with the ET 2.0 and 2.5. But if you are an MC type guy you should acquire the 2.5. The 2.0 was introduced when MM’s were the most popular.

If I can say one more thing and it very important. The ET 2.0 and 2.5, like to be on a plinth that uses a pillar style armboard as opposed to flat plinth. The reason for this is the ease to which a "happy face’ wire loop can be employed. It offers the least resistance. Like I said the wiring is the "Achilles Heel" in regards to setup. If you do set it up I look forward to your observations. Please post observations on the ET2 thread.


Emperor Nikola
The more interesting question is how you got all those camels in Canada?

I was wondering why you took so long to ask this question Dear Emperor Nikola. It’s called having virtual connections around the world. In this same exact manner I was able to source that very special and rare, Gooseneck from New Zealand. The one I discussed in my earlier post to Henry. If you thought titanium screws were valuable, well....

And the 6 camels....... I do not see this in a monetary value perspective, but as a friendship one.

I just figured that Henry would want one for Thuchan, yourself, Fleib, Lewm, and Raul. So you can all travel together through Sydney. What a sight that would be don’t you think ?

I will ensure that Raul’s camel has two humps; or maybe Henry would prefer this one?


Thuchan thx for the comments.

there is only one ET2 Godfather - Bruce himself.

This dream of mine you describe...I just hope it doesn't turn into a massacre after some of the comments on this thread.
That would be..... bad.

I get the sense that the Serbian King is struggling with my last post suggesting he ride side by side on a camel with the Mexican Emperor Raul?

Maybe I should make sure Nikola's camel has two humps too ?

Well, when Henry wakes up he can decide if he wants me to project manage this trip for him. I am available for some work Henry, you know.
Maybe I can negotiate a Decca for my trip manager services; especially since I am learning from Thuchan that you already have a Camel and keep it in your backyard....

As a pet or for transportation I am not clear on that....  

We have the same problem with black bears up north where we cottage. During the winter (now) they easily out number the tourists. Its a good thing they are asleep till spring; otherwise they could probably start a revolt in town.  

The five wise guys, instead of 3 wise men?


Does this situation mean you want one of the "original", five wise guys mentioned earlier, replaced, with someone else for the downtown Sydney Camel parade I am planning ?

well ......ok..... I can make this one change, this one time just for you Henry ...... :^)

so........ who’s out and who’s in ?
thinking of spiking Santa’s milk with some Slivovitz tonight ?
what does one get a camel for Christmas anyway ?
Merry Christmas

Good deductive analogy Nikola.

IMO - Any and I mean "Any" consultant in this world, worth his/her salt, does not allow the client/customer to fully understand the path to the solution they are implementing. For the simple reason that once this is understood, the consultant role (their job) becomes obsolete. I say this to you as a Consultant of 30 years who is .......looking for work. :(

Chris made clear despite his obsession with camels

Actually my real "obsession", was made clear in my previous post.
You know, when you have run through the woods alone, encountered Black Bears, and they let you through without harm, you tend to become a little obsessed, I would think, about what just happened. Especially when you forget to wear the Bear Bell to protect you in your run.
What is this bear bell you may ask ?

There is some Canadian Folklore that goes like this.

Johnny went for a hike in the woods. he loved nature and animals. Always wore his Bear Bell - to keep the bears at bay. Told his wife he would be back for dinner. When he did not return, his wife got worried, gathered a couple of friends and went looking for him. They looked and they looked. Just before dark, one of the friends said.

"Hey you guys come over here and look at this."

They all looked down at what was a very large pile of bear shit on the ground. And there sticking out the side of some of the poop, could be seen..... Johnny's Bear Bell.

Some call them dinner bells

Now apparently, the OP (Halcro) Henry, has a pet Camel so I was using that symbolism, what with the time of year. But probably should have somehow included a goat and donkey to to make it complete.
So instead of 6 camels, we now have 4 camels, 1 goat and 1 donkey. This makes the trip project more complicated now Henry.  I mean, really, which of the wise guys will be willing to be moved to a goat and donkey from a camel?  Oh, I think my trip service consulting fees may need to be adjusted.   :)

IMO, once the actual Palladian owners and other stakeholders of this audio thread subject, started opening discussions to other topics; this audio thread became fair game. Hope that Henry and the moderators do not mind.
One of the five wise guys, has been very very quiet during this stretch....... hmmm...

So my guess is that you can get his Decca for free if you promise never to mention any camel again.

I did not know that you had hired Nikola as your Broker. (I assume because of all his cart transactions experience) No problem. So, do I send my mailing address to him, or to you direct ?

I was so looking forward to the parade. Consultants rarely land on work they actually enjoy, and with clients they like. This is the reason consultants go to lunch with their fellow consultants, most of the time; but on the lunch expense report of who gets billed; they write in the customer name. :^)

Well, I think my job is done here; so don’t let me keep you guys from discussing your favorite screws.

You told me we should never speak the "C" word anymore, but you did just this, in your last post to me?

In audiophile terms, you share the likes of the same tonearm and cartridge with this person you call "some Aussie", yet you cannot find common ground ? How is this possible ?   I thought "some Aussie" was used in an affectionate way. my bad.  
. if considering the fact that ''reduction of complexity'' is a whorty
effort how about offering some virgine direct?

From the business world, I have these three letters next to my name "PmP" (google it)

When people (learn this), especially now as I am not actively practicing my work, the guys (with drink in them), all want to insert an " i " in there and start making assumptions of my capabilities, and ask for favors. You should hear some of the stories I have heard.  

Hi Geoch - very interesting Moniker you have, ......... considering recent discussions here. 8^0

I didn't think I was aiming high with my parade idea. Not like I was trying to obtain peace in the World. Was just looking to see if some friendship could be obtained, with good dialogue amongst some audiophiles here, if the context could be taken out of the typical audio-phile box.  

First Geoch and now Thuchan. The Europeans are starting to worry me with the music they are listening to.

Leonard Cohen - You Want it Darker

Sorry Thuchan. No endorphins flowing here for me.

I am getting images with this music, of a dark place as the year draws to a close. Not where I want to be. I am afraid to ask what the theme of the parade would have been if it had happened. I thrive on energy, and life, and am drawn to the music of the younger generation, for its energy.

Now the beauty of classical music......... is it never gets old.

I have been recently feeding more classical music to my son as he is home for the holidays. I sat him down in my chair and I asked him to listen to a piece for a few minutes. I then muted the system and I asked. "What is your opinion son, of this music."

"Dad" he said.

"This music brings back nice memories of when I was small"

"Can you be more specific" I asked.

He said "It reminds me of when I used to watch Bugs Bunny on TV"

to the OP - Henry et al - I hope you are listening to music (whatever it is - including LC -RIP)  if that is what gets your endorphins flowing.

Happy New Year

Lewm - sorry for your loss.

I know he has a big following, but I cannot make myself love Leonard Cohen.


he is an institution in Canada. if I say anything else, I probably risk Canada Grade A eggs being launched at my house, and the irony being, I am not even supposed to be eating them.


I do not own this album and I have only a couple of his cd’s somewhere in the house. If the music (and more so the music message with Cohen) doesn’t capture me simply through internet means (like youtube); I won’t pursue buying the lp. Besides I have too many existing lp’s to get through right now.

Geoch (Giorgos)/Thuchan

Regarding Dark Music in general.

If I was still wearing my Monkey Suit every day, travelling, and working for others; by 6 pm, I always needed something to take the edge off - to bring me down a bit. Maybe a little dark music would be just the ticket if I was in that frame of mind. But I am in the light right now, and have been for quite some time. Right now, any stresses are brought on mostly as a result of my own decisions, and not those of others. (ones family excluded)

Folkfreak - From your list I fancy the ladies.

Mary Chapin Carpenter is one real hottie, and one of my audio girlfriends, I mean, just so you understand ......
We also happen to share the same birthday. Mary and I.
fwiw & imo - This brings a bigger bond in music ......more so than any mono tone scratchy lyrics are going to bring you.... 8^0
Don't take my word for it. Ask one of my fraternal twins.
Holly Cole - now there is a Canadian voice I can get behind.


Geoch (Giorgos) - very appropriate lyrics. Thanks for that. It took about 9 months for me to realize the chains were no longer there. btw. do you remember years ago - our ended as.... yeah go ahead, and fill the four pillars of the TNT with BlueTack ....and see what happens. Talk about resonating voices from the Dark Side. These voices had horns.    


DG ( Dave) - I would like to comment on your elegant post, but can't for fear of being egg'ed.

It's going to take more coffee this morning.

(and I was wondering ... why you suddenly stop mail me ...)
My apologies - every spring I haul my a-- out of my rooms downstairs, and head north to reunite with the Bears. I could say that the terrain is treacherous with very bad internet signal, and it is true. But the real reason is the Bears don’t like me emailing, and they can be persuasive. Besides I believe email is becoming obsolete soon. In fact the soon to be leader of the free world just told us this morning, that no computer is safe ..........there u go *^)

My advice was beeswax/lead balls. You make your own decision once it was easily reversible, without asking and then you told me back the results. But truth is ... you didn’t follow my advice

Audiophile Rule # 2.

Never attempt "anything" that is not reversible. For the simple reason of
Rule #1.

Rule # 1 - Audiophiles are never happy and constantly seek change.

Oh, If anyone seeing this needs any Blue Tack, I still have lots....
I can still picture the nice ladies face at the Wal-mart checkout, when I clearing the store of all their Blue Tack stock back then. Her comment to me with a funny look on her face - "Sir, you do realize this is not on sale" Ah, the moments we need to endure to be an audiophile....:^(

Palladian Tip

Owners may put a bit on your torque wrench to help install and remove those expensive titanium screws. Never lose one in the carpet.
Hi Folkfreak
I discovered MCC by fluke a few years ago with Stones In The Road. A very nice surprise for me. I prefer this album to Come on, Come On. The lead up from John Doe #24 to Jubillee to Outside looking In - never fails to give me a better outlook (what I strive for), no matter what may have been inflicted on me earlier that day. My goal for 2017 is to continue what I started in 2016. To get through and learn 3k + mostly classical records that I added to my LP stash. I was faced with an enormous challenge when these came through the front door. So I asked, actually (pleaded) for help from the members here in how best to assimilate and integrate these records.

Henry, sorry for the shameless thread plug, but if anyone is a classical aficionado, your ideas are most welcome here.

I could not have made the progress I have made so far in this short time without the members help. Folkfreak thanks for the heads up on the new lp.

Hi Geoch (Giorgos)
The JN TT is parked in Room 2 - unplugged - future unknown. Platine/with Custom ET 2.5 continues to run the show. You know, if Analog was like Digital, according to my contacts still on a 2 year business cycle with new product out every couple of years, and prices slashed on previous generations; then I probably would have a bigger desire to sell it long as Analog turntables/tonearms/carts even Palladian (correct me if I am wrong here owners), still use records pressed on the same machines that are 50+ years old; then I don’t see the value difference between analog and digital changing much. Very pleased with my DAC and digital, but once vinyl hits the platter it stays on vinyl.

Dear Nikola.
I feel my time remaining on this thread is short, as I am starting to feel the penetration of internet laser beam stares through my teflon armor from the Palladian/Cohen lovers. So I will be brief in reply to your last post.

Firstly however - I think you should send out a search party for Raul. he seemed to have gone missing.

So fess up - how many virgins did you have to send Dertonarm for the screws. Are you his favorite or is Bluewolf and Folkfreak also receiving them?

So I am searching for this ''tension wrench''

Keep looking in your bag. Its probably hidden in the bottom, maybe under one of the flaps.

Every real audiophile owns a "tension wrench"  


thanks for that info Folkfreak.
you certainly live up to your moniker/avatar. :^)

I think my favorite folk singer is probably Alison Krauss, but I also realize she's a favorite for many, so needs to be shared. :^(
My Canadian IP address keeps me from accessing the last three American urls in your last post. Ironically, I have the same problem sometimes trying to get Lp's of American artists I like, ordered on this side of the border. I wonder if your new president will make this situation worse or better for Canadian music lovers ?  
hah , hah
Cheers Chris

Dear Chris, I am checking those virgins before posting to Dertonarm.

When I read this........I think I peed my pants .........just a little bit

Doctor Nikola,
I posted on the ET2 thread that I feel I missed my calling with the occupation I chose.
As an obvious master of multiple occupations, may I ask what brings you more satisfaction -
being a Doctor or a King ?

for Henry, Thuchan, Giorgos, Dave G, et al

You Want It Darker
Leonard Cohen

If you are the dealer, I'm out of the game
If you are the healer, it means I'm broken and lame
If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame
You want it darker
We kill the flame

Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name
Vilified, crucified, in the human frame
A million candles burning for the help that never came
You want it darker

Hineni, hineni
I'm ready, my lord

There's a lover in the story
But the story's still the same
There's a lullaby for suffering
And a paradox to blame
But it's written in the scriptures
And it's not some idle claim
You want it darker
We kill the flame

They're lining up the prisoners
And the guards are taking aim
I struggled with some demons
They were middle class and tame
I didn't know I had permission to murder and to maim
You want it darker

Hineni, hineni
I'm ready, my lord

Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name
Vilified, crucified, in the human frame
A million candles burning for the love that never came

You want it darker
We kill the flame

If you are the dealer, let me out of the game
If you are the healer, I'm broken and lame
If thine is the glory, mine must be the shame
You want it darker

Hineni, hineni
Hineni, hineni
I'm ready, my lord

Hineni, hineni

Songwriters: Leonard Cohen / Patrick Leonard

You Want It Darker lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.


What is going on here?

A couple Palladian owners got .....I assume bored.....and tried to identify and solve the world’s problems.

The result of this feeling........ is that Nikola will no longer be getting free screws.

@Folkfreak - I hope your Palladian shim is not being shipped by camel courier ? Just seems a long time ago that you mentioned it ?

Then again this winter is really dragging along. :^(

Willie .....better not see his shadow ....

Dear Chris, I am already ''screwed'' by the moderators and you
threaten me also with those ''free screws''. I expected more
support from my former compatriote.

Nikola - We, Canadians...... do not know how to threaten. So if something I said came off as a threat, it was unintentional.
With that we are very good, probably the best in the world at saying, "Sorry".

so ..

if you have put yourself in a position, that you need to figure out some method, a way, to apologize to your German friends, in order to keep getting free screws. Maybe I can help you with that. Let me know

Looked like a bloodbath happened, with only Lewm's post standing by itself.

IMO - The new Audiogon is not like the old one. The moderators now have more patience, are more open minded and actually give a thread lots of rope, and just delete posts. So more post carnage is very evident yes; but as we can see the thread is still alive.
In the old days, the whole thread, if it started going off course too far, would have just been deleted.

I think they are switching to string drive.

If you are referring to a switch from camel drive? then I can only say and warn, that I hope the courier journey doesn't take those shims through a family of kitties (cat variety)

Trust me the shims will never make it.

If you don't believe me, read my last system post which attempts to answer the question "Where did my turntable drive system go ?"

Now, if I have totally misunderstood your post.... very possible..... I will just blame it all on Wiarton Willie.......tomorrow.  


My definition of good turntable design, includes "isolation", that has been built into its design by its maker, allowing it to be placed on multiple locations. The Döhmann’s Helix table you reference seems to follow this philosophy. A collaborative Australian/American effort.

I said here earlier, when I was freed of the monkey suit, it took 9 months to realize it was gone. Things became more clear. What was happening at the Macro world level was out of my control, including my own government’s "sorry" actions. What was in my control, was my own local family government - at the time made up of Financial Advisors - making decisions on where my investments should go. It took a while to get to the root of this problem and become aware. My own family government was causing some sleepless nights. Something was not right. So I stepped out of my audiophilia nervosa state, fired them, and took control of my own family government.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr

We are in for quite a ride in 2017.
The craziest "audio" aspect for me to comprehend these days. Both my main speakers are of British origin, but were sourced from the US when the Canadian dollar was at par and even above for a time. Seems almost unthinkable today. You know, my kids don’t believe me when I tell them mortgage rates used to be 18% when they were born. Only 22 years ago.

Nikola - my last post was in response to your last post which was deleted.


Maybe you should stop using that T word in your posts ?
And I don't refer to titanium.