The nightmare of the cartridge buyer...

I recently completed a several year quest to acquire a new cartridge. This quest was basically a major PITA and a nightmare!

Why? Well let’s take a look at what will be in store for all cartridge buyers’ in the US...and possibly other countries as well..IF they are seeking a top flite cartridge , like I was.

Firstly, and here’s where a big part of the problem lies: You will typically be unable to audition any cartridge under consideration...certainly not in your own home and more often than not, at your dealers either.

Then we have the fact that these products are closely monitored for who and whom can act as a dealer...which is then severally restricted by territory and distribution. We then add that the pricing is very well controlled...CAN WE SAY PRICE FIXING...which in most states is an illegal practice...but seems to be the rule here.

Let’s begin with my story...and then I am hoping that members will chime in here with their thoughts and probably also their own ’horror stories’....

About three years ago, I decided to acquire a cartridge that would replace my aging but still ok Benz Ruby 2...
I wanted a cartridge that would surpass that Benz in most areas...and one that would be priced at about $3-$5K. A lot of money to be spending on this piece of gear...or so I believed.

At the time, I was considering the following models....Benz LPS MR, Koetsu Urushi and Rosewood Platinum and the Lyra Kleos, Delos, a EMT, the Kiseki Purpleheart, Air Tight ( entry level model at the time..cannot remember what it was called) an Ortofon A90--and a Transfiguration Proteus--lastly one of the ZYX models. After some research, i discovered that the Ortofon’s, the Zyx’s and the Transfigurations wouldn’t work with my set up --due to too low an output by the respective cartridges for my all tube phono stage. So this left the Kiseki, the Koetsu’s, the Lyra’s and the Benz’s...and possibly the Air Tight model.

Circumstances changed and my cartridge buying escapade was put on hold...until a few months back. In the few years since my last foray, I find out that Benz have basically gone out of business ( again!!) and so has Transfiguration. Meanwhile, the Van Den Hul line has come into the US again...this time with a new distributor.
The Zyx line has totally been updated and the Lyra line is now more available than least in theory. The Koetsu are now handled by Music Direct...who have essentially doubled the pricing across the board! Oh, i forgot, the Lyra line has increased by about 25% across the board ( i don’t think inflation can account for this!!)
So where to start auditioning --the answer...nowhere!
Instead I am supposed to rely on various dealers enthusiastic recommendation for these products...except for the fact that one dealer tells me that Koetsu’s are the best thing since mothers milk- and the other tells me that Koetsu’s are horrible with all the faults under the sun...( at least the ones that are in my budget..see above!) Can I hear any of these for myself...either in my system, or at the respective dealers...heck NO! ( and don’t think this type of scenario/ behavior isn’t consistent for other brands as well!--irrespective of whether the dealer(s) carries said brand or not!).

Here I am left with the choice of dropping several thousand dollars on a product that a) has no ability to be heard in my own system..therefore having no clue as to the results that I will get, b) has absolutely no return policy c) can be easily damaged by myself or others in the case of incorrect mounting to the tonearm...and lastly...and this is the one that really annoys me the most: I must shop for these products at a very limited amount of vendors who all are naysaying their competitors and acting extremely unprofessionally in the process. ( Do i really have to talk to the prospective rep for the line in order to determine the compatibility of the cartridge under question with my arm, the reasoning behind the asked price, where the dealer is that should be selling me the piece in question ( so as not to cross territorial lines) and on and on!!)

Then we have this little bonbon...The damn Japanese sourced cartridge(s) is available on several Japanese web sites at a price that is usually 50 -60% of the retail price here in the USA!! And that price in Japan is still at FULL RETAIL! ( Yes, I know it cost a ton of money to ship these things from Japan to here ( since they weigh a ton), LOL).

Where does this leave the US consumer in regards to the acquisition of a top flite cartridge...IMO the answer is between a hard place and a rock..You either pay through the nose and get totally ripped off by the likes of Music Direct and the various small independent reps in the US for these cartridges, or you takes your choice and risk buying from a grey market vendor abroad...but at a fraction of the price! BTW, mysteriously most of the top flite Benz cartridges continue to be very available from a vendor in China who seems to have cornered the market?? What’s up with this??

I can go on and about this journey, as I have just began to scratch the top of the heap in this story, but let’s hear from you guys as to your experiences and thoughts.... Was your top flite  cartridge acquisition an equal nightmare, or was it something else?


Showing 21 responses by daveyf

@ghn5ue   You bring up an interesting point. I was hoping that Benz was still supplying cartridges, and had actually made a deal to a acquire the LPS MR from one of my local dealers. He called me and told me the situation, which lead me to cancel the order. I then confirmed this with the distributor for the US...Musical Surroundings. 
Now, if Musical Surroundings decided that they wanted to torpedo the Benz Micro company due to some internal scenario, that I cannot say! ( and it wouldn't be the first time that a disgruntled distributor has done something unscrupulous like that....!) However, I have no knowledge that this is the case, and no reason to believe that is the situation.
@tatyana69.Please do tell us how your Benz is going to be serviced now that Benz has gone? By Soundsmith??? Sure, that is ’if’ you want a totally different SQ...
IME, re-tips by aftermarket vendors never end up giving the same result as a re-build by the original manufacturer. Personally, I don’t shop for a cartridge based on the cost of the future re-tip/re-build. That aspect is to me of lesser importance, because I am unlikely to do that for several thousand hours- and therefore the cost is essentially amortized over the life of the cartridge. However, what does concern me far more, is the issue that the company that I just bought my expensive cartridge from, is likely to be there in the order to do the re-tip/re-build. While no-one can accurately determine this aspect, there are some companies that IMO have a higher probability of being around than others. Benz has had ’issues’ for years.
@jperry   Like I stated above, my Benz dealer and the US distributor...Musical Surroundings. Do you know something that would contradict that?
Interesting, I believe I spoke to John. Since it would appear that these guys are no longer the US representatives, I wonder why they lead me ...and my dealer friend,to believe the company was no more. Since I had a deal with my dealer to acquire an LPSMR, I wonder if they couldn’t be bothered to source it for us! If that is the case, I think that is pss poor customer service! Like i stated above, it would not be the first time a representative that has lost the line acts unscrupulously. Now I have more questions about that, but I have acquired another cartridge entirely, and so it is moot to me now. Pity, as my dealer friend ended up not being able to assist me with any cartridges and lost the sale. ( he represented only Benz and Transfiguration).
Reflecting on this a little more, there certainly is a dealer in China, who is active on this forum, selling Benz cartridges, among others, at excellent pricing. However, he is not an authorized dealer for these brands. As a grey market vendor, I wonder how he seems to have such an unending supply of these cartridges? 
I mentioned this in my OP.
@handymann   An excellent question! One that I would like to see answered as well. 
Interesting data point. We have several vendors on eBay in Japan selling Koetsu's, as an example. NONE of them have ANY feedback from buyers about their Koetsu buying experience...NONE! Plenty of feedback about inexpensive items that were acquired from these vendors, none on any higher priced cartridge sale...hmmm!!!

You really have no idea about what I am concerned about, do you?
Please re-read my OP, and attempt to understand why the current high priced cartridge buying status quo isn’t, at least imho, a very palatable scenario for the high end cartridge consumer.
Let me give you a simple example of why I think this is a problem...
You have just gone out and spent $10k on a new cartridge, one that you have never heard before( because no dealer stocks it, and because even if they did, they are typically not demoing this model; or assuming that they do have it on demo, the arm and table that they utilize is VERY different to yours).
You plunk down your hard earned cash— ? , and the dealer mounts it for you, or maybe you do it yourself , either way, the cartridge is now on your own arm and table. Presumably safely mounted and correctly set up. You give it a listen, and...
ooops, it sounds like sh—t!
According to your philosophy, no problem, after all, what’s $10k to you, lol. So, now your options are a) sell cartridge used for a significant $ loss, b) learn to live with the debacle and be a BiG man, or c) see if the dealer will somehow accommodate you given the fact that he highly recommended the cartridge in the first place...
please do ‘enlighten’ us as to which one of these is your position.( somehow, I seriously doubt it’s b...)
Now, I’m not saying that I expect all dealers to allow me to first try expensive cartridges in my own system first, without some kind of off-setting compensation...that’s your assumption.

BTW, are you a cartridge dealer or manufacturers rep, because if you are, I can easily tell that you have little to no concern about your customers,or their customer satisfaction. 

@papafrgog. +1

Add to that as you increase the budget, the more it becomes not just frustrating, but also economically more untenable. Not saying that plenty of folks don’t have any issues with the economics, but I happen to know of more than a few folks, who have incredibly deep pockets, that do!
@chakster You are still not understanding this point...many people, including myself are not going to purchase a used cartridge..

Simple reason, you have no way of truly knowing how many hours that cartridge has on it. Plus, who knows how the rest of it is performing, suspension issues etc., Consequently , whether it is up to manufacturers specs is anybody’s guess.
Therefore, there are many folks, including myself,who aren’t going to risk what you propose; perhaps unlike you, they are not willing to risk damaging expensive vinyl with a once and done play due to the defective stylus.
You still don’t believe that these old worn vintage models and the worn out modern cartridge can be a factor in this regard. Remind me to never buy any vinyl from you, lol.

@boxer12. Ok, so maybe you can answer me do you know that the stylus on the old cartridge with unknown amounts of usage, is not worn out?( to the point of doing damage on the first play). Taking the cartridge to a ‘professional’ has not been productive,IME. I don’t think there are too many people who actually know what the correct shape and faceting of the diamond is supposed to look like. Plenty of folks are willing to guess at it though.
Please do tell us exactly what you are looking at when you ‘inspect’ the used cartridge.
Ok my turn, lol...boxer12
Please do tell us what a worn Shibata stylus looks like, or a worn micro ridge, or worn line contact, or even a worn out elliptical. I’m not saying you don’t know what they look like when they are worn, as I am certainly hoping you can share that information with me...and the other members. However, I am saying that most people have absolutely no clue. Including dealers and other ‘professionals’, who are only too happy to guess at it!
Now here’s the other problem with many high end MC cartridges, IME, replacing the stylus with a Soundsmith,or other non factory replacement, results in a cartridge that is usually a fraction of what it used to be when factory fresh.
Whether this issue applies to vintage SPUs etc., which presumably can be rebuilt by the factory, I have no idea, but I’m not willing to go through the hassles of finding out.YMMV.
@boxer12. You are telling us that you know what these diamonds look like when they are worn by looking at Google examples...??
For example, a worn out Micro ridge stylus has what damage to the facet and at what angle? I may sound condescending here, because frankly I am sick of hearing from people who defend their Bs with more Bs.
Don’t get me wrong, you may have the necessary experience, I have no way of knowing, but your last point about Google is making me wonder.
Sorry, but IF you really have no clue about what a worn out stylus looks like, then I think you might want to state that and not try and defend a position that is BS.
Over the years, I have spoken to numerous folks who have told me that their experience with buying used cartridges has led to one disaster after another. Mostly due to worn out styluses and worn out suspensions. Now according to others here, there is no issue with buying an old vintage cartridge with thousands of hours on the stylus and then being perfectly happy with the results...this is exactly what brought my friend into the vintage cartridge fold. Unfortunately, for him, the cost was quite high, maybe for others they don’t care, but like I stated, please make sure I never buy any vinyl from you!
@boxer12. You have stated enough, now I am certain of your expertise.

@nrenterI totally understand that once you try a cartridge it is considered used, which is exactly one of the problems that we are discussing.
However, I am questioning whether or not there is a solution to the issue presented in my OP. So far, we have had a few potential options/solutions given...maybe re-read some of the thread and see what the thoughts about this are.

Nobody have any experience buying high end cartridges, like Koetsu, from vendors on Ebay in Japan, or elsewhere?
Thanks for giving us a heads up about Juki. There are several vendors on eBay and a couple here that are very much grey market. Odd thing is that they seem to have good feedback on ebay, except nothing that relates to cartridge sales! Kron on this site seems to basically have the Benz Micro line sewn up.
Have to wonder how these guys get their supplies, when the regular dealers apparently cannot?
Question becomes if there are counterfeit cartridges on the market? I do know that the rep fronVan Den Hul told me that there is a vendor in the Netherlands who is taking very old Van Den Huls and retipping them and basically re-freshing them. Selling them as more current models than what they are!
 @hdm I think it fairly obvious that you don’t believe in buying expensive cartridges. Reason I say that is if you did happen to spring for one of these, I seriously doubt you would want it compromised once it needed a retip by any of the non factory retippers. My previous Benz could be retipped by Soundsmith, ( although it doesn’t need a retip yet), but why would I go that route, I would end up with a cartridge that wouldn’t hold up to my old Benz...and therefore imo would be a kludge at best. 
I am having a hard time comprehending is that the grey market vendors of high priced cartridges can not only beat retail prices easily, but also have plenty of supply?
As an example, with Benz cartridges, there are a few grey market vendors ( one who is on this forum) who have plenty of supply, and yet the US dealers and reps tell us that these cartridges are now unobtanium. What gives?
Looks like the ZYX line has gone into a new cantilever material...Carbon Fibre. That should be an interesting aspect as to whether these cantilevers prove to be durable or not. Although, I would see no reason to suspect that they would be any better or worse than Boron.

@hdm  Without doubt, one doesn't know what the results of a re-tip from a after market re-tipper will be until one receives the result and listens to it; but I have a few friends who have gone this route ( with high priced cartridges) and none of them were very pleased with the resulting SQ. One attempted to sell his cartridge with full disclosure, he got a few pennies on the dollar after months on the market. So, the after market re-tipper is not something I would consider.

@thepreludeimplicit. You bring up some very good points. Why do you have no true high end shop in a Metro area of 2 million...where you can purchase a high end cartridge? I guess I’m lucky, as in my area with about the same population, I do have one or two shops that are dealers...although they don’t seem to carry any inventory. The 7layer BS salad is certainly prevalent these days, which is why I think it is so very important to listen to gear in consideration in one’s own system before committing to an expensive purchase. Others apparently are only too happy to risk large $$ on either someone else’s recommendation, or just go in totally blind. Not ideal at all imho.
@tsloan   You sound like another dealer who is trying to justify this practice. Or maybe you are just fine with the status quo and are happy to get fleeced...either way, very weak, IMO.

@best-groove. I can sort of understand your frustration. However, how did the cartridge sound when it came back to you, was it as good as when original? If so, I would think that this would override the issue with AJ doing his thing. When you say a simple check...what did AJ actually do...besides mark up your cartridge?