The new dynamic in speaker pricing

Yesterday I received the latest issue of the Absolute Sound mag. This issue has the round up of the varying speaker manufacturer’s wares along with the retail pricing. One thing that struck me is the number of speaker manufacturer’s who have a speaker in their line up that cost close to a $1M!! There are good number of speakers now available with prices in the $700K+ range. A few manufacturer’s are also a little ’glib’ with their top model pricing, such as Oswalds Mill--who state- price upon inquiry only!

This new speaker pricing dynamic is interesting, as it clearly indicates that there are buyers out there who are happy to pay these prices and presumably enough buyers to make these products viable. A trend that is certainly interesting and yet questionable as to how it will impact the hobby as a whole.

Opinions on this trend?


Showing 2 responses by laoman

Kenjit: its not a question of whether they have stolen their earnings. The issue is that, if one idiot buys a million dollar speaker, all the speakers companies will raise their prices and make them unaffordable for the rest of us. Why is that so hard to understand?"
This will not happen of course, as these speakers are not designed for common sales. They are the hi end showpieces. The technology used in these will trickle down in time. Why is THAT so hard to understand.


mbmi: "10K to 20 K is the sweet spot in hi end speakers......any amount over that is just stupid" No, your comment is very stupid. I am not saying you cannot get good speakers in this range, but have you heard really hi end speakers such as Borresson, Gauder Akustik, Vivid Audio, Kii? The difference is huge. I wish I could afford them, but I cannot so need to make do with lesser quality sound.