"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Showing 9 responses by mijostyn


Reality and mysticism are always at odds with each other. I have been told on many occasions that I have to give people "hope." I never did when there was none. Miracles only happen in fairy tales. Fairy tales are for children. 

I am a huge John Coltrane fan, but there was a point were he left me behind. You can't play tennis without a net. Trane threw the net away. It was not brilliance or mystical. He was undoubtedly searching for something and perhaps it would have made more sense if he had survived longer.  


The problem is ascribing "mystery" to things that are not. The poetry in lyrics can be beautiful. It can also be asinine. It can also be generated by extreme suffering, "why does it have to be this way." Layne Stayle. It can also be generated by mysticism, but it is not in itself mystical. Humans do stuff like this all the time, they like writing and typing. Mahgister is a great example. Creating and playing music is far more complicated and we hold those who can do it special, rewarding them huge incomes and special places in history. 

When I was an infant I would not sleep. My mother tried everything (except putting me in her bedroom). Finally, out of desperation, she put a table radio tuned to an all night music station in the crib with me. It worked great and the music has been playing ever since. The only mystery involved in music is why humans love it so much. It is a universal trait. Whenever you see a trait that is universal in a species somewhere back in time there was a survival benefit as almost all the critters that do not have that trait are not here anymore. I have never seen an adequate explanation for music in humans. The trait is so strong that it is present in infants.


You are a great example of mysticism. (IMHO)


Mystery  Something that is difficult or impossible to explain. backwards.

@tylermunns ,

All I did was indicate that music can be subjugated to notation. I never said it was not an art. Just like certain sports the best music comes from people with special musical brains Like Stevie Wonder or Ludwig Van. There are very few people capable of driving an F1 car at 200 MPH.  what can not be easily notated is the feeling behind the music which is what makes certain musicians better, None of this is difficult to explain, it is not a mystery or mysterious in any way. It certainly is wonderful. 


"could be" 


There is a solid basis for love in nature and we are not the only animals that love. 

IMHO we face mysteries when we do not know the answers.

The only thing worse than being old is being old and alone. No, that is not right. Old, alone and without a stereo. That is the worst. 

The Mahavishnu Orchestra wanted to be mystical. It did not work. It was still fun listening to Billy Cobham swing those sticks.


Maybe in Indian music and other forms I am not familiar with, but western music is highly structured and deliberate, anything but mystical. 

? What the____ brought that on. Sound is not a mystery. The physics of sound are well documented. There is little if any mysticism in music. It is an extraordinarily structured construct. The only mystery I know of is why humans are universally fond of music. What in nature made it so advantageous for us to like music?