The Music Room

With all the talk about PayPal and the IRS, I'm considering other ways to sell my unused gear. I've been thinking about The Music Room. I have the system I want and have no need for trade ins. Has anyone else sold items to The Music Room? How was your experience? Did they give you a decent price for your gear (I understand they need to make a profit too). I just don't want any complications come tax season next year...


Showing 1 response by moto_man

I have nothing but good things to say about TMR.  I have sold them several pieces of equipment when I either didn't get any interest here or USAM, or wanted to move the piece because I had another waiting in the wings.  Yes, you will not get what you could selling it yourself, but they always quote what I considered to be a fair price and it is the lowest hassle sale you can imagine.  No flaking, weirdness, etc. and you get instant payment.  Plus, since I have purchased almost all of my equipment used anyway, the difference between what something would actually sell for on here and what they would pay is not a dramatic difference. I would highly recommend them, and especially if you want to move your gear quickly.  Ask them for a quote . . . It can't hurt.