The "most foolish" loudspeaker tweak/upgrade ... is

I suggest Von Schweikert Audio's "ULTRA Internal Wire Upgrade" at a 'mere' $39,700..


Showing 16 responses by ptss

Douglas,naturally we expect the best in wiring in great speakers.
Would you not expect the ultimate in wiring in a $225,000 speaker?
Hello again douglas. I completely agree with your point that high quality internal
wiring is important. The point I was trying to make is the "nonsensical pricing"
of "Masterbuilt ULTRA Internal Wiring" touted by Von Schweikert Audio. As well, Von Schweikert"s promotional literature 'implying'  Masterbuilt Audio is a leading cable company;
these are direct quotes from their website :

"MasterBuilt Audio is pleased to announce the introduction of four unique lines of laboratory-grade audio cables, developed by leading engineers in the aerospace industry.

These products were developed over several decades of research in metallurgy, electrical field effects, and the chemistry of dielectric materials."  

This sounds impressive. However: a look into Masterbuilt Audio's website reveals the only contact is   Von Schweikert Audio - and the Masterbuilt Audio's address is -- Von Schweikert Audio's address. Interesting when Masterbuilt claims "  These products were developed over several decades of research in metallurgy, electrical field effects, and the chemistry of dielectric materials." - and Masterbuilt claims it's

The roots of MasterBuilt Audio Cables can be found in the U.S. aerospace program. Engineers developed wiring systems with low-reactance cable for use in the Apollo lunar missions and other mission-critical NASA projects, such as the International Space Station.

Sound fantastic(al). I wonder where they buy their wiring??

You asked my background in aftermarket wiring. I use reference grade MIT Cables products for power cords,interconnects and speaker cables.

As to where I might source internal speaker wire I would begin with a call to George Cardas of Cardas Audio-to check up on the state of the art. His company manufactures and supplies the wire used by many of the world top audio interconnect and speaker wire manufacturers.

Geoffkait, a quick look at the Cardas website will confirm your comments about 'twists' and reveal just how seriously Cardas takes 'twisting' relative to magnetic fields. 
So well put 1extreme. I think it must be that the same human frailty that's noted 
in "The Emperer's New Clothes" is the one exploited by the hucksters.
2channel8 ; now that's the spirit of this post. Thanks for providing
this wonderful opportunity to finally get things precisely right. 
Thanks russmaleartist for the mention of the infamous
"Sucker of the Year' award. The sad fact is there are shameless people 
in our industry, who deliberately attempt to use fantastical claims.   Voodooists that have next to no tech skills,hoping to influence the gullible to hand over money for a charlatans product. From the general postings in this and other forums the vast majority of our members thankfully have no use for these hucksters and fraudsters.
Thanks cycles2 for clear comments--
" Hard to believe some people on this forum are legitimizing Von Schweikert Audio's "ULTRA Internal Wire Upgrade" for $39,700.  If I owned these speakers I'd be insulted by Von Schwiekert coming up with this internal wire upgrade offer.  How did they not get the correct internal wire voiced at design & build time?  These speakers ain't that old to claim that internal speaker wires have made giant leaps & bounds in the past 5 years.  

The real losers are people that own these speakers when they try to sell them as prospective buyers won't want to settle for the non-upgraded version.  Great reason to cross Von Schwiekert off my personal list of manufacturer's that protect the investments of their client"
I'm seeing a new contender;
$15,000 to upgrade from gloss paint to veneer.
Any others ?

Thanks for the price updates geoffkait. Very encouraging.
I think age must be affecting my eyesight; as well as  ability
to follow threads and stay on topic; much less less learn anything
new. Cheers.
Soundsrealaudio, you're right about the money; however you can 
probably easier twist the arm of an audiophile just after he gets his
share of the proceeds from the sale of the home than when he paying the 
legal fees to get rid of the sac of hammers that's been 'hampering'
his enjoyment of music, as well as many other pleasure of life. Cheers.
Esprits4s. Thank you; spoken like a true renegade. Cheers to common sense 
and the ever healthy does of skepticism.