The MoFi Mess and TAS rolling over for them

Totally disgusted with TAS opinions on the mofi mess. They're basically saying it was okay to dupe us.  Jonathan Valin actually says as long as it sounds good...

What a sell out to the audiophile community.  TAS is nothing but a glorified product catalogue for their advertisers.  



Showing 1 response by pcrhkr

My feeling on the matter is this. Honesty matters to me. If I purchase a Mercedes from a dealer and get a Volkswagen that is wrong. Even though both are good German automobiles. It is not what I paid for and that's part of the problem. For people who thought they purchased Audio masters, not Digital masters were deceived. Not to say Digital did not sound good, it is a mater of trust you get what is advertised and if you did not there should be compensation returned.