The missing piece

What is a piece of equipment you added to your system and it made such a huge impact you knew you would never get rid of it? cables, components, speakers e.t.c. for me it was a pair of Intuitive Design Gamma Summit speakers.

Showing 1 response by williewonka

I'm in agreement with Mapman somewhat - my madness started when I bought my Naim 5i amp and Gershman Sonogram speakers.

I thought they could sound better :-)

In search of better analogue performance I started tweaking my Rega TT - until the only thing left that was Rega was the lid and power switch.

In search of better Digital performance I switched to a Schiit Bifrost DAC - and proceeded to tweak the heck out of that.

But, the one addition to my system that has paid HUGE dividends in performance was my investment in cables i.e. power, IC's and speaker cables, but it was a very long process

Every cable in my system is responsible for the stunning sound and I'm pretty confident that they have extracted every last ounce of performance from each component.
