The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.


Showing 2 responses by wickymelb

By the way I am looking to buy some interconnects, and am trying to decide whether  SS Palladiums, Audio Envy or Iconoclastic is the best way to go, If anyone has any direct experiences between all three I would love to hear from you. 
Hi everyone, greetings from Melbourne Australia where we are all confined to our homes. 

Was a long time lurker on this thread and recently read Douglas Schroeders excellent review of the iconoclast cables. 

One thing I struggled to get a clear picture of was the difference between Galen's cable goals and other manufacturers such as Tara Labs, Stage III High Fidelity and also Audio Envy and the Silversmith Audio Fidelity line which are  generating

The science of cabling is laid out and sure the electromagnetics are spotlighted well but how doed Belden/Iconoclast do this better than other companies who are also surely working with  LCR as properties to manipulate. Isn't an air tune containing a conductor the basic idea behind a coaxial cable which has been made since 1870? monoblocks,Tara Labs very explicitly states their capacitance  as a design goal. And isn't Teflon a fairly generic material in cable design> 

Has anyone done any explicit comparison's with these other brands and can account for specific  material and engineering differences that make iconoclast class leading in terms of sound. ?