the hrx format

reference recordings has introduced, recently, a higher resolution format--24 bit/176.4 khz . there are a number of titles available on their website.

since i own the ps audio pwt and pwd, i am able to audition these discs.

i recently received a sampler and upon listening to the disc, i was reminded of the difference in perspective noticeable at different locations in a concert hall, in relationship to the listener and the stage.

i feel that the higher resolution disc is like listening to a live concert near the stage. it's hard to pinpoint the exact row.

if anyone else has auditioned hrx discs, it would be interesting to hear of your experiences.

thanks for your feedback.

Showing 1 response by levy03

i'm with Dtsag completely.

1) HRx.....outstanding sound.

2) Selection....ridiculus (none existent)

3) PSA I2S-12 is almost a must imho.
