The Highest - Suprema

I had a chance to listen extensively (length of time, plus able to request familiar material) to the ’end game’ configuration (for me, and which will NEVER happen not even close for obvious (figure 1 3/4 Mio reasons). On ALL levels/chriteria (sound, detail, staging, etc). I never thought that there is so much ’more’ beyond what I had previously considered the highest level of listening. A truly eye opening experience:



25x25 (not sure about height, say 15 ft). Treated.



Speakers: Sonus faber Suprema



Burmester 159s on the Suprema subs

Burmester 218s on the Suprema towers


Preamp: D’Agostino Relentless Pre


Source: dCS Vivaldi APEX stack (DAC, upsampler, clock)


Cables: Transparent Magnum Opus to the towers; Transparent XL to the subs / all other interconnects at the XL or Magnum Opus level


Racking: HRS VXR


The icing on the cake was a long conversation/discussion with Livio Cucuzza, the creator of the Suprema (in my eys). Sonus faber Suprema setup



Showing 1 response by jbthurston

I had the pleasure of hearing the exact same system last week too. Paragon did a great job setting them up.  I was there early and had the room to myself. I was able to request a number of familiar songs to get a sense.  I will say it was a fantastic system.  No doubt.  However, it was too much of a good thing in my opinion.  Overly smooth.  I felt the soundstage was lacking.  Dynamics were lacking.  Maybe a different amp would have helped.  I’m not a huge fan of the Burmester sound.  Typically that room has XVX which are a third of the price and in my opinion perform much better in that room. I walked away knowing what I’ve set up for myself at home at a fraction of the price is not that far off from a cost no object system.