The greatest tweak ever?

Is this the greatest tweak ever?

Something in the air.. most extensive A/B test ever? 



Showing 1 response by asvjerry

Misshaped eardrums caused by a misshaped anus...*long stare into the middle distance*

*sigh* Up to now, the only cause is by having one’s entire head involved, the former into the latter....which promoted higher than normal dB levels, which triggered liquification of the contents of the GI tract ...

Which generally caused a rather explosive episode...and I’ll let y’all draw whatever conclusion about the concussions caused....😏

Obviously, one could consider that this is what befell our friend, the celebrated Mr. K, who we all rally ’round when gifted by his company and enthralled by the insights involved.

However, the experience seems to cause some a similar range of symptoms that relate to the whites of ones’ eyes turning brown, nostril blockage, and clenched lips....

Thanks, @artemus_5 ....a whole new set of (Covid?) ’long form’ backlash to try to ignore....😬