Mary Jo,
I like it also. Had to look him up. From wiki:
What is the meaning of Gnossienne?
Noun. gnossienne (plural gnossiennes) (music, often capitalized) Any of several compositions having a dance-like quality.
How old was Satie when he died?
The French composer and pianist Erik Satie died at the age of 59 in Arcueil, a suburb of Paris. The cause of death was cirrhosis of the liver; Satie had long been a heavy drinker. Absinthe, which can have an alcohol content as a high as 74%, was his favorite.
Did Erik Satie carry a hammer?
In the habit: Satie was a man of habits: every day he walked the 10 miles from his house to work, stopping at cafès along the way. He always carried an umbrella, and he stowed a hammer beneath his coat to defend himself if necessary.
Not a man to be trified with.