The Future of Hifi is just being Discovered

I found this to be very interesting to learn that electrons move like water. Also even more interesting to learn Cryo really is on the cutting edge and it's implications for the future are just being learned. Fascinating stuff






Showing 2 responses by jew16384

Facts are super conductivity is real, cryogenic treating metal is real. Magnets are treated for maglevs to create super conductivity high energy fields. It is proven to have an affect on magnetics and electricity is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. It’s possible that it may have an affect on cable wire too as we only learn that electricity travels in a wave like light, and what’s the affect on that wave for audio? It is a fact cryogenic treating metals aligns particles in the same direction improving its strength and the stronger magnetic field. I believe it worth a try as the process is cheap. 🤷‍♂️ And audio signal transformers could be improved too.🤔

 I had read that cryogenic treating certain metals improve there conductivity but you correct does not make them a superconductor.