The Fine Art of Doing Nothing By Roger Skoff

Roger Skoff just posted an article titled, The Fine Art of Doing Nothing." Here's the link:

I pass this along because Mr. Skoff speaks to many points that I, Al (Almarg), Roy Johnson (GMA) and others have been talking about.

For starters, in the controversial area of I/C and speaker cables, Mr. Skoff asserts, with some credibility IMO, that try as hard as one may, making so called perfect cables that "do nothing" is an exercise in futility. Ergo my experiment in testing 10 gauge solid core Romex wire. Been trying to find some cheap wire.

The same goes to speakers and other components. Btw, Mr. Skoff tips his "do nothing" hat to 1st order cross speakers. He implies that they "do less" than highly rigged gizmos.

I suspect that Mr. Skoff would scoff (pun intended) at my interest in the DEQX. As much as I hope it will correct my time incoherent speakers, the device may "do something" else.

Enjoy the read.


Showing 2 responses by bombaywalla

If I was in start-over mode, I would like to seriously listen to Roy Johnson's time coherent speakers. Problem is they are stone ugly to me ... look like Praying Mantises. LOL.
cool, Bruce! :-) I'm happy to read that the "Sloped Baffle" thread & Roy's posts have had a positive effect on you & your conviction re. time-coherence in speakers is more than it was mid-way thru that thread.
Re. the shape & looks of Green Mtn Audio speakers - it's purely based on form follows function. When you re-read Roy's comments & note how he has to deal with issues to ensure time-coherence, you'll note that the speakers will have to take up a form that will not be a rectangular box with drivers fitted into its front baffle. The receipe has been tried way too many times & people in the know (which now includes you) realize that does not work....

looks like Roger Skoff is also another person in the know. I own some lower-end XLO cables - nice! I like them sonically. Purple & white jackets on one of them!! I don't think anyone else did that in the cable industry.....

thanks for sharing. :-)
good luck Bifwynne for the DEQX visit! :-) hope you have a solid story cooked up for their visit....

LOL on your comments re. Roy's speakers. You could get one of this stand-mounts + his passive woofer if you don't like his floor-standers. A lot of people do that, just FYI.