The few, the proud, the Alexandria lovers.

I'd like to know if anyone has heard the MK II and the MK III and if there is much difference.

I have a MK II (Jacques Reindeau of Oracle informed me that the MK I never really existed, so you've all been promoted to MK II) with a Sumiko Premier MMT arm. It's the star of my humble system. I alternate between a Shure V15 RS SAS and a Denon DL-301 II. Delicious!

Nevertheless, I saw listing for a MK III for a little over $1,000 + S&H and got upgradeitis. Then there was a Paris for a little less. I was posting all over looking for advice from more experienced Oracleistas; but not a peep. I queried Oracle, first about sub-chassis in general and Martin replied that they were the same cast aluminum for both the MK II and MK III. Then I asked about MK III vs. Paris and he replied 'MK III no contest'. I made an offer of $1,000 even including shipping. 

This Alex has a Sumiko Premier MMT, just like mine but with a Cardas wiring upgrade, and a Dynavector 10x3 and an . It comes with the suspension calibration jig and all the other goodies. So basically I am wondering If I made a good deal and if (not including the Dyno) I will hear much of a difference. 

Eric? Ferrari? 

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Oracle. That's just so searchers can find the thread....someday.
After I've forgotten I started it.