The extinction of human interaction takes yet another step forward...

I hate even thinking this, but as we “progress” in “society” it sure seems like each step “forward” brings us closer and closer to becoming the “Borg” from Star Trek where everything happens in your head and personal interaction becomes less necessary and thus more foreign.  I hope this stops or at least slows down at some point and the value of human interaction surfaces as something we want to preserve.  I find it sad, however, that this seems more of a hope than an eventuality the way things are going everywhere — even in audio.  Ugh.  Thoughts?


Showing 2 responses by millercarbon

I don't want to be 100% negative, when was the last time anything in this world changed for the better?

Ahh yes, the old we are still running around in bear skins living in caves story. Just exactly how far gone do you have to be to believe this while using your keyboard to put this on the internet?
Because they would never mess with human interaction on-line the way they bury results they don't like with search engines, they would never just declare your opinion misleading information in order to censor it, or stop you from buying what you want because they don’t care for your views, no of course not and even if they did it would all be for your own good so you would be thankful for their watchful benevolence. Right?