the eternal cable question

Hi Everyone,

My goal here is to whittle down the mess that is the interconnect jungle with the help of my wise, knowledgable, and generous Audiogoners.

I have been researching and reading tons of stuff, Copper, Silver, Silver over Copper, Gold, Palladium, Rhodium, Fluids, 4N-9N, 99.999%, 99.9999%, 99.99999%, OCC, OHCC, OFC, Twisted, Helix, Double Helix, Solid wire, Stranded wire, Teflon, Air, Shielded, Unshielded, XLR, RCAs,.... Head Exploding!

Some of you have given me some great advice already but I have more questions. 

There seems to be a rule of thought that Silver sounds better with Tubes and Copper / Gold sounds better with Solid State. And well made Pure Solid Silver will sound good with both. Of course I know that it will all depend on my own ears when it comes down to it. However is there some truth to that? 

Is it true that mixing metals can produce different sonic results? Example... Gold RCAs will help tone down Silver wire? Or Silver Eichmanns RCAs can liven up Copper wire? It has been suggested that I use Silver plugs with Silver over Copper wire in teflon. That is the Morrow configuration.

Is it best to go with one company if they offer all the different cables or is combining different okay? You'll see from my list below that Almadi, Cabledyne, and Cerious do not offer a full set of cables.

Should I use the same company for interconnects from the VPI to the Herron and then the Herron to the Coda? The Herron is a Tube Phono preamp. 

Would like to hear from those of you who own SS amps and or similar systems to mine. Those of you who own Tubes amps will have to convince me that your interconnects will sound good on SS.  

My current system is

Coda CSIB Integrated Amp
Oppo BDP 105D
VPI Scout Turntable with an Ortofon 2m Bronze mm cartridge
Herron Audio VTHP-1 Tube Phono Preamp
Revel F52 Speakers
SVS SB13 Ultra Subwoofer
Furman Linear Filtering AC Power Source Conditioner ELITE-15 DMI

Currently running Blue Jeans between everything with 12 gauge copper for the Revels.

They sound alright. A little grainy in the upper ranges, Sound stage fluctuates with the recordings. The biggest thing is that I can't help but think that my sound can be better.

My budget is $1500 for all the cables and interconnects. Used is good.

My current list of cables to audition consists of Morrow, Almadi, Cabledyne, Cerious Graphene Extreme, Gabriel Gold Revelations.

Thank You for your time and generosity in teaching this Audio Grasshopper the ways of the Audiophile Force.




Showing 3 responses by meambler

Thank you all for sharing with me your knowledge and suggestions.

I have started down the path by auditioning the Cerious Graphene Extremes along with their Red Power cord for my Oppo. And a pair of Amadi Maddies, one with solid silver RCAs and another with Gold RCAs. 

"I own a VPI table, and use a tube preamp with SS amps, however, my preamp, amp, and speakers are different than yours. Who knows? My personal musical tastes may be different from yours as well."

What ICs do you use between your VPI and tube preamp? I have a really wide range of musical tastes.

Of those who recommended the Audioquests... which models are you using? Any opinions on the Colorados? And is the Cable Company the only place that will allow me to audition them? Of all the cable manufactures out there AQ seems to have the largest range of models. Do they come out with a different set every year or something? Geeze!

And are counterfeited AQ's really that big of a problem? 



To update this thread...

I went with a pair of Teo Game Changers and I'm very happy with the sound that runs through them. Miles better than the Amadis, CT Graphenes, Morrows, Gabriel golds, and the Cabledynes

Thanks for the updated posts everyone. I have had my Teo GCs for about 2 months and close to 300 hours on them (of that about 100 hours of actually listening to them).

My ears are very impressed with the sound coming out of my system with them in line.  No ear fatigue ever. I get sad when I have to stop listening and live my day to day life. They sounded great right out of the container and have continually improved to this point. All I can say is that for $500 the cost to performance ratio is fantastic. I'm not sure what their higher ended cables might do for my system. The good thing with the GCs is that I don't need to know.

They have now come out with Game Changers 2 for $600 for 3 meters. I don't know if they will be significantly any better then their original GCs but I do need another set between my Herron and Coda. So maybe I'll give them a try.