The end of pono?

I've just heard that Neil Young has given an interview where he says that they have made a number of mistakes, gone through a number of CEO's, with him now acting as CEO, and that he woul like to get out of the hardware side of things. Aparrently just becoming a licencing authority, e.g.
"Pono Approved" product.

Also, I read that Pono will be releasing hi rez Beatles files. Really? And I thought that the most recent vinyl was cut from down sampled copies and that nobody at on the production side felt it mattered to have hi Rez copies.

Anybody know what is really going on?
As an aside,I have bought a LOT of stuff over the last 45 years.
I never sold anything but have gifted at least 7-8 full systems to everyone from my nephew to the cleaning lady.
Last few years I haven't been able to give squat away because
all and sundry listen to whatever they listen to on their
"This could easily be attributed to the digital filter differences at the two frequencies in most DACs. I use the same filter for both in my DAC, so its only the format in this case." - Steve N.
Empirical Audio

That is one of the main reasons to use high resolution audio, to use a smoother filter. And yes the differences are small but more noticeable on a high end system, especially if you are playing vinyl on it too.
The_Wizard - I am not sure of the connection between vinyl and high resolution files when it comes to hearing differences.
Neil Young was a talented song writer, but in the last decade most of his output IMHO has been garbage.

Now he backs an idea about HiRez "Pony"and then releases an album recorded in a phone booth!
The Pony looks and feels like a cheap toy and will never succeed with the high end with this present version.

Younger fans in which he hopes to appeal to will go back to there ear buds listening to either rap or some other low level music.

"Yeah, and stay off my lawn"