The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


Showing 7 responses by mapman

I saw what can happen in 2001: A Space Odyssey. Now it’s almost 25 years later. All I can say is don’t let AI lock you out of anything.

Guaranteed some Bond Villian will come along and use it for their own evil plan with no regard for others . Could be Elon Musk! Drax? I saw it in the movies…..

AI is better at accurately applying facts, logic and linguistics than people.

As always, garbage in, garbage out. YMMV.

So it can be used or abused.  It’s a powerful tool so consequences of abuse can be massive. 

we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.

Nu? Market demand controls these things. Always has always will.

I have hundreds of CDs still. I ripped them to a music library years ago.  They still make useful acoustic treatments stored on the walls of my office room.  Blasts from the past.  May come in useful as backups someday should I ever happen to lose my flac files.  Hopefully there will be a cd ripper available.  Probably.  

There will continue to be blue ray players and everything else. The market will determine the details. If no market, then no blue rays.

You can still buy CD players, cassette decks, record players and even rtr.

Not so sure about 8 track. How about a vcr? I still have 2.  I think they both work but frankly I hardly ever use them.   

I’d recommend having any old personal media digitized if you want to be able to watch moving forward  just to be safe  



Are newspapers with real paper even a thing anymore?  

That’s progress.