The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


Showing 3 responses by deep_333

BTW, I still have my laserdiscs and three (3) laserdisc players. Which means I have to keep at least one television with legacy video inputs. Life is so hard!

@onhwy61 No, you only need a AV prepro or receiver with a legacy video input or a cheap composite video to hdmi converter from Amazon for 9.99.

Maybe i should start selling off my BlueRay collection now before you cann't buy a player for them anymore. 

@glennewdick , The Sony Playstation 5 is a good blu-ray player. All the gamer dudes would need to go full digital before the gaming consoles stop having a blu-ray drive in them.

It is sad for those who care about getting the best picture quality, just as we care greatly about good sound.

100% audiophile, 0% videophile, never got into videophilia... though i supposedly have a decent tv, according to a video dude i know. Movies in ultra high definition 4k look like documentaries (ugh) to me. I saw that OG predator movie more recently in UHD and it felt like Schwarzenegger was doing a documentary on birds in the forest or something laugh. i like me a good dose of film grain and the low-fi look of those spaghetti westerns on tape.

I guess i can understand now why the vinyl guys like all the awful vinyl crackles and low-fi warpy wowy fluttery sound (bwaaahahahaha) that they claim is the "organic" sound of life...Videophiles might hate me..