The end of physical media is neigh

Very sad news for me personally.  Honestly this struck me as hard or harder than hearing about the death of a beloved artist.   With the advent of machine learning and AI controlling our music listening we are becoming a world without any control at all over our music or movie culture.


Showing 3 responses by asvjerry

I’ve gotten Very Picky re what I purchase in terms of physical media.....

Most contain the 1 or so of what struck my ears and stuck in my mind...

( Yes, that latter does still exist and functions well enough to pester y’all per what sticks, regardless of how inane or insane it may seem.... ;) ... )

Carrying on, I’m in it for the pleasure of it all. The means to do so is per my preference, as is yours.

One can always ’Opt to Block’... It’d be nice of one to PM and advise of such
so I can return the favor.

Yes, does entail me posting into apparently empty forums....

Someone has got to be the canary in the coal mine.....and most pay me Not to sing.....

Happy Holidaze, and welcome to 4 more years of utter BS and the edge of inanity.....the blind eventually discovering the *hole....

Unlike ’canes and floods, a local here pointed out that nukes are far more permanent....and Didn’t get blocked.

'Physical Media'....a local paper.....the editors welcome comments of all stripes, unless it's just rant 'n rave....there's 'nuff of that....

"The End of Physical Media is...Nay."
Voyagers’ 1 & get intercepted.

’THEY’ are amused enough to arrive just in time for the impending inauguration of the IMPOTUS.

"These ’unmans really Are that bassakwards..." *FOOM*
( Was considered ’merciful’ by galactic standards for any species such....but they saved the animals, plants....everything consider ’safe’ to be around...)

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