The Emperor Has No Clothes!!

Read a post the other day where someone characterized a server/streamer as “sweet and tube-like sounding”.  It read like a parody.  Am thinking of starting a company based on tube rectified power supply for network switch.  Crowd funding?


Showing 2 responses by tomic601

One should also consider…as @mahgister hints at the the actual character of clothes are unaltered by our words to describe them… warm, analog and tube like will not keep ya from freezing to death in the Karakoram…..

Can they apply to a DAC….. absolutely….. Hint there is ALWAYS an A….. in DAC

But we do our best….

….. and yet…. just try to unhear the tube power supply on a fantastic German direct drive TT……


And some people wax poetic about Mad Dog 20-20…
