The difference between Qoboz stream vs purchased songs

I am a admittedly noob, so please forgive my ignorance. Recently, have had the pleasure of getting a Innuos pulse mini, what a game changer! I knew that with the mini you cant buy music, only stream. Using Qoboz, is there’s a difference in sq between the two? I live on a fixed income so I have to be frugal and am trying to figure out where it’s best spent. Thanks so much for any info on this subject.


Showing 1 response by petaluman

@gkelly - I'm a big fan of your dancing!

We all have to make our own decision about sq and how important it is to us.  The bigger question with streaming is how important permanence is to you.  Several responses argued against spending money on downloads, because there's always so much available through streaming - treating music as a consumable.  Several argued in favor of buying music to which you would not want to lose access. 

How would you describe your relationship with the music you stream?  If it truly moves you, buy it!  Don't give them a chance to take it away from you.  The artists will be grateful, and you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you've contributed more than a fraction of a penny to their art.