The Decline of the Music Industry

Click bait for sure!  Actually, this is Frank Zappa's opinion on why the industry declined, but if I would have put his name in the title, many would have skipped over it.  I personally never connected with Zappa's music, but I do agree with what he has to say here.

Showing 8 responses by mahgister

The decline of music cannot be explained by only internal factors proper to this industry only...

The general decline of western civilization is linked to this musical industry decline...

Most people dont see this decline invoking for example booming new technologies...But empowering technology and technocacy is not culture nor science in itself...

This is the bad news...

The good news ia materialism of the last hundred years is terminated .... Humanity is at a forked road in evolution...

True science in all areas pointed to consciousness being the fundamental phenomenon not matter which is a fiction by now created by sense and habit....

We can predict then after the chaos of the actual uncertainty a Renascent creativity in all areas, music included, before the end of this century...

You are basically throwing stuff against a wall and hoping it will stick without showing correlation let alone causation.
You exhibit intelligence and stupidity in equal amount for sure...

Why dont you apply this observation about your own race musical analysis?

Education if i simplify it to basic, before majority, consist mainly in the mastering of language, mastering of the  body, and mastering of  nature ( science is best teach in and about nature).... education has nothing to do with COMPUTER....NOTHING... Being informed is not being educated even for an adult....

Computer can be secondary tool not the main one in human education...Except when there is no other human alternative....

if you read my last post there is an ARGUMENT....

If i read your post only insult.....

Who is the adult and who is the child?

I will repeat my argument because it seems difficult for you to read a text:

Education subordination to money explain social condition not races distinction....
The musical decline itself come from a lack in education and the time passed with technological artefact....

There exist many other factors but they are less impactful than these 2....

People are more educated and more diversely educated than they have ever been.
You confuse being informed with being educated....Information has nothing to do with being educated....It is related but is is absolutely not the same thing.... Being connected to wikipedia is convenient but that dont give to someone the thinking process to analyse what is "timbre" in music or acoustic.....Or that dont give Bob Dylan his mastering of poetry....Information is raw fact and bits, not thinking process immersed in an art, or in science or in philosophy..... Culture and education are NEVER about information in any way, especially before college.... Education is learning how to live a life not how to use a coomputer....

Education change with time, you are right about that, but the thinking process of human is linked to their mastering of language and body, not computer or information.....This will not change except for the technocrat of transhumanism....
Please don’t take what I am writing as racist, I am looking at influences and how that differed by race. I find it interesting.
Your reading of the society conditions related to music are so filled with ignorance and biases that i cannot even correct you in few words...

I think you were arrogant and now i think you are pathetic....

Do you really think that poverty affect differently people depending on race?

The reason for the decline is decline in general education, music included, and technological dependency....Time spend on a computer is not time spend on study and playing violin....

Bob Dylan was litterate for example that has nothing to do with race....And Rap is all in the text, metaphor and poetry....Because of the situation of black people in US the most strong expressive means chosen  was Poetry on a beat....

 Education subordination to money explain  social condition not races distinction....

"creative death by algorithm" 

Can i borrow you this marvellous expression? If not i will take it anyway....

I apologize.....
Censorship is not the exact word for understanding Hitler and Stalin country...

When you risk your life composing, like Shostakovitch, you censor yourself FIRST, like he did... You dont wait to be censored....The real censors work less....

And when you are there, Art is already dead anyway....

Censorship is a mild way; between permissivity, and total freedom, and exil and execution....

There is a subtle censorship emerging in America today....No execution of writers for the time being in US. tough , no forced exil of artist also.... No samizdat....Nor any forced emigration of " Einstein" like scientists in mass and hundred of artists and scientists coming from the US to Canada for example, an other country very fond of subtle censorship now....For the time being for sure.... 😁 We dont know tomorrow....

Is a new dictatorship never seen before coming? With new subtle form of censorship: a new king of auto-censorship like Stalin and Hitler never dreamed of ?

Reading Aldous Huxley i think so....I see an economical-technocratical censorship head proposing his horns and workin in a reverse censorship, erasing all boundaries between private life and public life....Tomorrow our toughts will never be ours only....You dont see it? Being alone and because you are alone, you will be the suspect...

I go back to undeclined music.... Too frightened... 😊
He says that all was going well when artist created and man with cigars let them do in the sixties....Censors comes in the music industry first it seems after that...

In reality it begins in Hollywood first before that , but with censors from an apparent opposite ideology... 😁

«Censorship controls (power) is the same office for Heaven or for Hell, it is more economical this way... »- Anonymus No Name

«The seeds of decline are in the fruit of maturity»-Anonymus Smith

«Do you mean i cannot remarry at my age?»-Groucho Marx