The Dave Brubeck Quartet

While we've heard a lot about Dave Brubeck, no one seems to realize that three other distinguished musicians were behind that name: Joe Morello, Eugene Wright, and Paul Desmond. They were one of the most cohesive jazz quartets to ever exist.

Dave and Morello would sometime jam on drums and piano while Eugene Wright comped on base with Paul Desmond cooling his heels until just the right moment, and then he would come in like a cool breeze on a hot Summers night, and that's just the way those lilting notes from his alto sounded, light and cool like a breeze.

The bass man, Eugene Wright was the unsung hero in the group, but not to this aficionado; that "boom boom boom" in the background was the foundation of the quartets sound, it set the tempo.

Joe Morello was one of the most unique drummers ever, no other drummer could quite duplicate the accents and emphasis he placed on unusual times such as 9/8, 5/4, 3/4, and 6/4 which were inspired by Eurasian folk music; as a matter of fact "Jazz Impressions of Eurasia" is one of my favorite CD's, check it out.

I will always cherish memories associated with the sound of "The Dave Brubeck Quartet".
I have not heard the Impressions CDs. But the critics say:

Jazz Impression of Japan-- "is one of the GREAT FORGOTTEN Brubeck records. 'all music guide to jazz'
how can it be great and forgotten at the same time? Smacks of politics.

Jazz Impressions of Eurasia -- Why is he running all over the world looking for new ideas and inspiration? Has he ever heard of the BLUES? You travel the world looking for ideas, to play America's art form?? He said his FRENCH, music teacher, told him to travel the world with his ears open. Explains a lot.

The Blue Yusef Lateef -- "This one examines, in a painterly way, all the different ranges of emotion contained within the BLUES genre." 'all music guide to Jazz'
We have no problem with Yusef. Besides, he played with Cannonball!! He plays JAZZ! Nuff said.

I Call your two 'Impressions' CDs and raise you, Cannonball's Sextet 'Dizzy's Business' with Yusef on board, Les McCann & Eddie Harris 'Swiss Movement' and three different, badly recorded, versions of 'Sweet Georgia Brown' :)

Take that!

Heavens to murgatroid! if it ain't Rok2id. I wonder why your ears are burning? Those "audiophile" ears should be enjoying good music, and I want to help them.

Have you heard "Jazz Impressions of Eurasia", or "Jazz Impressions of Japan" by Brubeck? Have you heard "The Blue Yusef Lateef", by Yusef Lateef? Those jams might stop them ears from burning.

Enjoy the music.
I've got a CD by Miles that I hadn't heard in so long that I forgot what it sounded like. After the first cut, I knew why I hadn't heard it in so long. Miles must have been at that stage when he thought his "farts" sounded good.

When an artist has a discography as long and varied as Dave Brubeck's, and someone tells me they heard something by him they didn't like, I take that with a grain of salt.

Someone I shall not mention, is really good for stuff like that.
I have one live and one studio recording by them. After several listens, just a bit too saccharine for my tastes.
He experimented with time. He had a big hit with 'Time Out'. He was popular with the college crowd. He tried to merge Jazz and Classical music, with very limited success. At one time his quartet consisted of himself and his three sons.

I looked him up in the Music Guide. I have never seen the word 'Classic' used so often to describe so many recordings by the same person. A novice would assume everything he did was a "classic'.

Take away 'Time Out' and Desmond, and what do you have left? A lot of his 'fame' was 'political'. From all I have read and heard, he was a throughly nice guy. A Gentleman.

My latest Jazz acquisition:

In Copenhagen: Sweets & Lockjaw.

What is even more remarkable about Joe Morello is that he was only partly sighted. I saw Paul Desmond perform in the early 1970s. I saw Brubeck perform in the late 1960s. These were two of the most memorable performances I have ever attended.
I think MANY people realize there were three other great musicians in that group.
I have the LP "Desmond Blue"; that cover alone is worth the price of the ticket.
Paul Desmond was always my favorite. Paul did many of his own recordings. Frankly, without Paul, Dave would not have had the fame he got.
I concur, Orpheus10,

that wonderful quartet gave us 1959's Time Out. This groundbreaking Jazz cornerstone-album will withstand the test of time, just like, Kind of Blue.