The video creator is an idiot, and I hate point blank statements like that, without inspection.....either for or against.
I have tried about 13 or so DACs in my system, with my components, with my ears. All of them made audible differences, some positive and some negative. R2R ladder DACs sound best to my ears, and Lampizators I'm extremely fond of, but I'm not exactly sure what they are yet.
When I had a $15,000 system, lot's of DACs sounded very similar; because my system could not reveal the differences. Years later I now have a $50,000+ setup, and DACs are noticeably different from one another.
I choose to ignore the hype and the ignorance, and just focus on what sounds best to me in my system. In that vein, DACs have made improvements and they don't have to cost $20,000, there are some killer DACs in the $3,000 to $5,000 range......incredible starts a bit up from there.