The Curious Case of the Technics Integrated Digital Amplifier

Found this little tidbit, on Technics releasing a new digital (and I use the term correctly, but arguably) 70W/channel integrated amplifier.

Probably the best source of information is here.

Lots of curious things here.

  • Why so little power in such a large (for Class D) device?
  • There's no mention of the GaN FET's as in the Technics SE-R1.
  • They DO keep the phase/amplitude matching circuit of the SE-R1, but if the review is to be believed, does not make up for the other shortcomings.

Yes, this is a Class D amplifier, but Technics calls it a Digital amplifier, and based on how the signal is manipulated in the digital domain, so do I. There's a separate thread for this discussion, it's by invitation only, so lets focus people! :)

The reviewer describes the sound much like I have found old Onkyo and Emotiva to sound. Perfect and gutless, so I have to wonder if this is a specific DAC or ADC conversion that's going awry here?



Showing 1 response by scott22

I own the SUG 700 while 70 watts a side it can deliver more. It is driving my canton 9k stand mounted speakers in my small to medium not ideal room ie family room sooo filled with plants chairs couch windows etc.
I gotta say so far it is wonderful amazing detail not at all bright or fatiguing in any way. I picked it up used for under two grand from a gentleman wanting to go back to separates.
Yes, few reviews which I do not understand, given the three reviews I've seen which prase it. It is dead silent but my speakers are 87 db. The headphone amp is also great.  I'm a CD guy so can't speak to the phono stage  Also I am new to this hobby and have limited exposure but comparing it to my old gear  Snell c2 mk2 speakers, Adcom GFA 555 200watts,  Emotiva preamp DAC,and adcom it is no contest. so much better by the way the deep base is provided by my JAMO c80 sub. 
 I would say this guy is spot on from my experience. I just do not understand the lack of advertising of this amp or getting it to reviewers.