THE CURE - 4:13 - Latest album - opinions

The new Cure Album is pretty good. The opening track is amazing as is most of the album - pretty out of the box for the band IMO. Sound quality to me is very poor - very compressed and bass heavy - boomy and just shrill at times. Anyone else with an opinion? I love the Cure, they are one of my all time favourite bands but perhaps its just meant to be played in the car and very loud - distortion and all - but certainly not audiophile stuff IMO. Even their remasters are just OK. With classic albums like Disintigration, its really too bad Smith can't get it together to put out something that sounds clean. But maybe thats his intention... who knows

Good listening

Showing 1 response by gawdbless

90% of all 'Cure' fans I know are not really bothered about hi-fi and the quality of discs, they are more interested in looking good whilst out at the graveyard late at night or hiding in the corner of their tiny dark rooms with a ghetto blaster playing all their doom and gloom whoa is me cd's.
Not bought/heard the new cd as yet. Disintigration is a seriously good cd as is 'Mixed up'.
Enjoy the music, that what its all about.