The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation

Back just before CD's, Albums were usually around $6-8.00, cutout less, double albums a bit more. When CD's first came out they were 'premium' items and cost $10-15.00, slowly the prices for CD's came down and records slowly all went down to a buck or two then disappeared. Now it's reversed, CD's are a few bucks, new Albums are usually around $15 to 25.00. (I didn't figure out the inflation rate, someone else can add that in) . And those cutouts can now be worth a small fortune. I just thought this reversal was interesting. Of course with Streaming, music of any quality is very cheap.


Showing 1 response by corelli

"The great mass of people abandoned the quality of records for the convenience of CD. "

In my case, nothing could be further from the truth.  What caused me to pack my bags was the abysmal quality of LP's.  Recall in my college days returning defective LP's over and over.  Remember the ritual trying to guess which LP in the bin had the least tics and pops.  THAT's what drove many of us to CD's.

Ironically, I just hauled out my Project Expression table, Ortofon om super 20e, Bellari vp129, and Sennheiser hd580's.  This all on a Salamander rack with built in goody drawer.  I LIKE the ritual of tinkering with the table, cleaning the LP's.  No doubt the nostalgia factor is operative but I love listening to these LP's all over again.  This affordable gear plays together incredibly well and I get the whole LP thing.

But if I want to demo my system, I would haul out a well engineered CD or SACD.  Not for convenience, but for SQ.