The Cheap Stuff

I bought an ADC 1700 turntable for $75.00, and a used Grado Red for $40.00

Believe it or not, they make music!

When I pay a lot of money for stuff, I get anxious when it doesn't sound great.

In this case, however, I'm genuinely happy and I'm listening to lots of vinyl just to see if it all sounds good.

I took a really down'n'dirty needle drop and video this morning.

I feel the same way about my old Amber series 70amp. I love spending 10 cents on the dollar and then receiving so much pleasure for so little spent.
I have a friend who's nearly 50 who kept his records carefully stored and clean even though he didn't have a turntable for several years. He just picked up a nice older Dual belt drive table (which also made this model for Thorens) from Craigslist for $60 and an Ortofon 2M Red to go with it. He's been having a great time rediscovering the joys of analog.

I had an Amber Series 70 power amp for about nine years. Very neutral yet engaging amp. Definitely makes good music and there's nothing distracting in its presentation.
Yeah, the "I can't believe I'm having this much fun for so cheap!" factor is fantastic.

Johnnyb53, are you still rockin' the Onkyo A-9555?

Interestingly, I've never heard of the Amber amplifiers. You can bet I'll be checking them out sooner or later though.
Yes, I'm still using the Onkyo A-9555. That's the amp that finally displaced the Amber 70 in my analog rig. It's faster, quieter, and cleaner without getting harsh or edgy. Its built-in phono stage is pretty decent, especially for smoothness and inner detail, but I'm using the Cambridge 640P phono stage instead because it is faster and has better dynamic range and frequency extension. I'm coming up on two years with the Onkyo and still no complaints.
It's is refreshing to hear of someone enjoying music and on vinyl no less, for less that $$$$$.$$ =) The ADC was a nice little table, with a respectable tonearm.

Enjoy, thanks for the nice post.

Thanks for your comments, everyone, and Norman, I'm happy to have posted it. I hope to post some more nice stuff this summer.

Cheers all!

I just dug out my old Technics SL-D2 that I bought new in 1980. Slapped an Ortofon 2M Red on it, cleaned a few records with my new Spin Clean and I too am enjoying my over 300 albums for cheap!!
Last year I stumbled onto an excellent condition Dual CS505-2 Vintage Belt at a local Estate shop. Very clean, but, missing belts and cartridge. They wanted $25. I passed and later that evening remembered to search on the internet for info about it. I liked what I read and raced back the next day to buy it. I put a new cartridge and new belts on it and it sings. Definitely one of my better purchases.

They also had a pair of B&W DM602 speakers for $35 and a Sony receiver for $35. I stupidly passed on those and then decided to go back and buy them... but, they were gone.

Haven't seen any equipment there since. Oh well, at least I got the turntable.
I kid you not. The same song sounded worse from sound samples (screechish) then the Youtube (very analog like, especially vocals) on my Imac!
OUCH on the B&W Speakers, EJ! I know now not to pass on SUPER cheap stuff, 'cause I can usually sell it if I don't love it.

Nilthepill, that is awesome news!
Hey, what ELO LP is that? Enjoyed it. I'm a sucker for a sweet pop hook. Have Eldorado but nothing else by them/him. Also - what record clamp do you use? Have fun. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ghosthouse- sorry for the long wait for a response, I didn't realize it had been so long!

The LP is "Out of the Blue" which is my long-standing favorite.

The clamp is actually an ADC clamp that may or may not have been part of the ADC 1700 package originally. I got it from my friend Norman in the 90s, when it was attached to a Yamaha PF-800 turntable.