The CD player is dead.......

I am still waiting for someone to explain why a cd player is superior to storing music on a hard drive and going to a dac. Probably because you all know it's not.

Every cd player has a dac. I'll repeat that. Every cd player has a dac. So if you can store the ones and zeros on a hard drive and use error correction JUST ONCE and then go to a high end dac, isn't that better than relying on a cd player's "on the fly" jitter correction every time you play a song? Not to mention the convenience of having hundreds of albums at your fingertips via an itouch remote.

If cd player sales drop, then will cd sales drop as well, making less music available to rip to a hard drive?
Maybe, but there's the internet to give us all the selection we've been missing. Has anyone been in a Barnes and Noble or Borders lately? The music section has shown shrinkage worse than George Costanza! This is an obvious sign of things to come.....

People still embracing cd players are the "comb over" equivalent of bald men. They're trying to hold on to something that isn't there and they know will ultimately vanish one day.

I say sell your cd players and embrace the future of things to come. Don't do the digital "comb over".

Showing 1 response by okonrad

I am 45 years old and I have approximately 8000 cds (and 10,000 lps). Two teenage sons, a wonderful spouse who likes to spend time with me. A job that requires on average 65-70 hours a week. I am on the board of a radio station and host a regular 2 hour radio show a week. I help produce two significant annual musical festivals, take an occasional guitar lesson and travel to listen to all kinds of live music 4 to to 8 times a month.

What I don't have is, time. Time to learn the intricacies of a computer based system, time to intergrate that computer based system into my listening room full of expensive bulky audio gear, time to burn those 8000 cds, time to regularly back up those 8000 cds and time to download and organize future releases on an ongoing basis. (Ordering off of Amazon is quick and the boxes just magically show up in my office).

If I was 13 again, and starting from scratch, I probably would have everything on a hard-drive and using a Soolas or a Mac/DAC combo as part of a listening room, but I am at capacity to learn and more importantly implement new tricks.

Now I am staring down the reality of running out of space to store my vinyl and cds in an accessible fashion, so downloading may be my forced future if I am going to have access to future releases in, but I am going to hold out as long as I can until the hard drive solutions are more elegant and effective.