The Canadians that visit the site

It would be helpful to know who else lives in the Great White North, certainly make buying/selling/trading gear a little easier without worrying about our good friends at Canadian customs trying to take more hard earned money from us. I'm in Montreal, email addy is

Showing 3 responses by rgd

Greetings from Okotoks, AB (just south of Calgary). Have had a few good deals via Audiogon - gear going both ways. Been here for 6 years (formerly from Kirkland, PQ). Wish more listings would say "willing to ship to US & Canada... Unless its a cdp there is very litlle extra to do when shipping gear cross-border especially if it is manufactured in either the US or Canada. One drawback is no COD from one country to another! Email is
Not sure about all products originating in Canada but I would guess after converting your US money into Canadian dollars (currently in the crapper) you would come out ahead. As far as Bryston goes they discourage Canadian dealers to ship cross-border. Now if you were to walk through the door of a Canadian Bryston dealer I'm sure they would make it worth your while without hesitation. Where abouts is "Blue Mountain???
Angela - I guess the same could be said of Americans and their frequent use of Unhunh (sic)...