The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.

In school as a young teen ager, we has two groups....the Beatles fans and the Dave Clark Five fans, which I was one of.  In your youth did you have different cliques (I am thinking high school) based on what bands/singers they liked?  I was also in the minority by being a Del Shannon fan.  (yes, I am a dinosaur! ).  Thankfully I aged into Jazz and Classical for the most part, but did enjoy some popular music in the 80s.   And you?


Showing 1 response by wolf_garcia

The Monkees were a manufactured band cast for a TV show, and the music was written mostly by Boyce and Hart and others and performed by serious studio musicians. Some nice stuff, but although very popular it was barely them although they could play and sing somewhat...Mike Nesmith is a relatively well regarded musician and songwriter and I think was the most substantial talent among those guys.