The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.

In school as a young teen ager, we has two groups....the Beatles fans and the Dave Clark Five fans, which I was one of.  In your youth did you have different cliques (I am thinking high school) based on what bands/singers they liked?  I was also in the minority by being a Del Shannon fan.  (yes, I am a dinosaur! ).  Thankfully I aged into Jazz and Classical for the most part, but did enjoy some popular music in the 80s.   And you?


Showing 2 responses by larsman

I liked most of what I heard on our local AM radio station and wasn't really in with any cliques, except most of what I liked was British and/or psychedelic. Then went on to prog rock, metal, punk, post-punk, indie, reggae, and Grateful Dead, and at age 70, all those genres are still what I listen to. Never enjoyed jazz, country, blues, Elvis, etc ... I can listen to some classical on Qobuz or something, but very seldom and I don't own any. I'd say probably 70% of my music collection is UK artists. 
Actually, I remember the much bigger 'rivalry' was between the Beatles and the Monkees. Any DC 5 rivalry would have been over pretty quickly...