The best way to design an audio system.

What is the best way to design and assemble a high-end audio system?

Should you first adopt a system philosophy?

Or should you just pick out a component you really like and build a system around it?

These seem to be the 2 most popular methods of assembling systems that I have read here on the Audiogon forums. Of course, I have my own thoughts on this subject, but I am interested in how everyone else feels about this, and what are the reasons for their opinions. Considering that we have alot of new people on the Audiogon these days, it may be helpful for them to read about how the "old timers" and "experts" configure their systems and why.

Showing 2 responses by bob_bundus

Sean you're right - even Kelly couldn't do it :)
& he really tried; even declared himself officially outta here, & still he can't keep his fingers off the keyboard
Twl I know you're very experienced at this by now, but if you were not, starting out from scratch - I'd then advise...
* spend some time at an audio show if at all possible
* chose speakers first based upon personal sonic preference
* make your preamp the best component in your rig (if applicable)
* realize that there are NO absolutes in this hobby: what didn't work for another might work quite well for your rig & vice-versa
* tubes might be best left for later on