The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,

Showing 1 response by joe_coherent

The system I would like to build is designed around the SoundLab U-1 speakers. There are a number of amps I would like to try with them, some recommended by reviewers such as the Atmaspheres, the Wolcott, or the Krell, and others I would like to try out for best bang/buck like the Gamut, the Bryston 7B-STs, the new Marsh 350 wpc., etc. The front end would be only digital. One option would be the Tact 2.0 Room Correction Sysytem used as both DAC and pre-amp, with a 24/96 transport from Muse, or Sonic Frontiers. This would be a best bang/buck option. If money were no object I'd try the Accuphase SACD system and the Burmesters.