The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I've never even seen a pair in person. I've only seen pics in magazines. Have you ever heard the new Vandy CT line? When I said best I've heard, I should have noted that. I like how you describe the Montana's though as to me, if you hear the speaker or listen 'critically' for more than a song or two, then to me, it's not a speaker I can live with. Honestly, most of the special tweeters I've heard do not mesh well with the rest of the speaker. All too often the highs are tipped a bit and too fast for the mids and way too fast for the bass. Musical is something that is lacking in many speakers these days. They work so hard to get the detail, that they forget the natural sound you hear at a live event. Detail is of course a major player, but I rarely hear a system that can play piano properly or even cymbals. Basic percussion is often left lagging behind also. JMHO....I'd love to check out the montana's sometime if I see them. Thanks.
Thanks for the respons. I do agree with you completely regarding the critical listening sessions..those I do sometimes, merely to understand how good a speaker are. With the Montanas, which I belive are highly underrated, I can only Enjoy music, and I tend to forget that I listen to music via two speakers in my room..If taking time to find the correct place in a room for them, and pair them with reasonable good equipment, they will reward you with the ability to forget the speakers itself, the equipment around, and merely let the music have its own life in front of you..and by this I mean layers upon layers with very accurate presented music, very lifelike, dynamic and highly realistic..They have a tendency, when people hear these at my place, to make them fall in love with the music maybe for the first time or make them rediscover how a certain cd maybe gave them a certain, forgotten feeling:)
I do however belive that you cannot pair or force them to connect with all other equipment in the system at a symbiotic can take time to correctly place a speaker and match with the rest..but when this happens, Magic happens as well, in the form of the music you play.
As you said, a speaker must be musical:) and these are..they are Amazing

* havent heard the Vandy Ct line..will try in the near future
Best Speaker I ever Heard - Focal Grande Utopia EM. Were driven by Boulder 1500w monoblocks and other high-end Boulder electronics in a treated room. Heard the system earlier this week. Extremely impressive.