AG Unos beat Duos; Trios?
The best sounding speakers I have ever heard were a pair of Avantgarde Unos at the opening of Rhapsody Music & Cinema in Midtown Manhattan, known at the time as Avantgarde Music and Cinema. Their Trio setup was not even close to this, and I have heard that placement is critical for Trios. Has anyone heard both Unos and Trios in properly set up systems? I am interested to learn how they compare.
The best sounding speakers I have ever heard were a pair of Avantgarde Unos at the opening of Rhapsody Music & Cinema in Midtown Manhattan, known at the time as Avantgarde Music and Cinema. Their Trio setup was not even close to this, and I have heard that placement is critical for Trios. Has anyone heard both Unos and Trios in properly set up systems? I am interested to learn how they compare.