The best speaker cables you’ve had

Simply put, the best you’ve owned and/or heard.


Showing 5 responses by jerrybj

Thanks ghasley

Have the Puritan PSM156 to buy first. Then consider next steps.

Currently Auditorium A23.

Will eventually upgrade to Audience AU24Sx and put the A23 on my second system. A few other items to get first though (i.e. Puritan PSM156).


Not the response I was expecting...

Has not put the cat amongst the pigeons, but your experience has definitely given me food for thought. Maybe even saved me a few thousand!


I have AU24SX RCA cables, and an AES/EBU, which are superb.

Run the Auditorium 23 to a pair of ATC SCM19v2 speakers. With A23 jumpers.