The best speaker cables you’ve had

Simply put, the best you’ve owned and/or heard.


Showing 5 responses by danmar123

I've been running Monoprice 4-12 for years now,& just pulled the trigger on 75m of,

FURUTECH FS-α36 Flagship OCC HIFI Speaker Cable Fever Grade Audio.

Wasn’t cheap.

Just a follow up. ''FURUTECH FS-α36 Flagship OCC HIFI Speaker Cable Fever Grade Audio'' Last week I replaced the Monoprice 4/12 cable on 1 side of my system to compare both cables. There's no compresence, the Furutech wins hands down. I loved my system setup as it was, but now, I've noticed a sense of clearness in the 1 channel.


last weekend I pulled the other cable, now both channels have the Furutech. I can't get over how good this cable is. Worth every penny, the best upgrade I've done in years! I just might rewire my surround speakers.. Down the Rabbit hole again! LOL

And by the way, Chris is a gentleman. I’ve dealt with him for years now, & respect his output.

@fastfreight ; I'm happy to hear someone else has tried this cable. I have  external networks & feeding my speaker, running to each driver, using Elf OCC 16g doubled up. I still have plenty of wire to terminate each speaker, but going to let the Furitech run in a while. Happy listening!