The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?


I have two:


In 1983 I went to see The Plimsouls (Peter Case’s pre-solo career band) at The Garage, a tiny little "club" on Ventura Blvd. The room had filled up (elbow-to-elbow tight), and the opening act started their set. My woman and I both looked at each other, our mouths agape. It was Los Lobos, and they were great! Their debut album How Will The Wolf Survive? had yet to be released, but I sure picked it up when it was.


I went to see John Hiatt at The Roxy Theater on Sunset Blvd. during his Perfectly Good Guitar tour, entering the room just as the opening act was starting her final song. The ads for the show listed her name, which was unfamiliar to me. As the song started and progressed, I was stunned; the song she and her band were performing was a great one, and I knew I had missed a quality set of music. It was Sheryl Crow, whose debut album had not yet been released. Damn it!



@bassbuyer , going way back, I remember renting a VHS of Bob Dylan playing with Tom Petty and The Heart Breakers. It must have been that tour, huh?  That's another one I would have liked to have seen!

There have been a few. In 1974 T-Rex opened for ZZ Top in a small converted movie theater in Detroit. In 1975 in Cleveland Uriah Heep and Aerosmith opened for Rod Stewart and the Faces in Cleveland Stadium. (I still have the ticket - $10.50.) My favorite was in 1978 in Detroit when Van Halen opened for Black Sabbath at Cobo Arena. Fantastic time to be a young rock-n-roll fan!

Dwight Yoakam and band opening for Nick Lowe at the Palace in Hollywood c. 1983.

The concert was Queen at the Kennedy Center, February 24th, 1975. The opening acts, Kansas (probably their maiden tour) and frank Marino & Mahogany Rush. We had never heard of Kansas. They were awesome. I remember the drummer and the violinist were magnificent. Then Frank Marino came on and KILLED it. Croud screamed so much that he did an encore; Jimi's version of America the Beautiful. After that, Queen was just alright.